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Violets POV

We get home around 4:00pm. Tate and I pull-up in the drive way with Matthew and Michael asleep now.

Tate picks them both up and carries them inside and I get the baby bag and stroller and such.

Tate is such an amazing dad and all I could ever ask for!

I call my parents letting them know everything is fine and that we are at home.

Tate puts Matthew in his crib and Michael wakes up and snuggles up to Tate.

"This is my daddy?" Michael asks.

"Yes. Isn't he handsome?" I giggle.

Michael nods his head wildly.

Tate and I laugh.

"Are you gonna be my new mommy?" Michael asks me.

"If that's what you want." I smile.

"I want you both to be my new parents. Mommy was mean and evil" he tells me and tears fall from his eyes.

"Hey it's okay. Don't worry you're safe with us." Tate says as Michael cries into Tate's shoulder.

Tate soothes Michael while I hear Matthew crying.

I go in and get Matthew. Uh oh. Dirty diaper.

I change him and bring him into the living room with us.

"I'm sorry." Michael cries.

"I didn't mean to hurt him but mommy said if I didn't do this and then kill you she would lock me in the bad boy closet." He sobs uncontrollably.

Tate comforts him and tells him,

"That woman is my mom but not your real mom. She did all that bad stuff to me too. She's a bad person and I'm glad we got you before she could do any more of those things to you."

Michael makes a confused face and asks Tate who his real mom is. Tate tells him to wait here for a second. We tell him to hold Matthew while we get something.

We go in the kitchen.

"Should we tell him the truth?" I ask Tate.

"I think we should tell him that his real mom had him for us because a friend couldn't. That friend being Nora." I suggest.

"Yeah that will have to do."

We walk back in the room and tell him.

"Your birth mom had you for a friend of hers but the friend couldn't have a child after all so Violets parents were gonna adopt you but Constance, the bad woman, stole you. Now that we know Constance was making you do things we can adopt you and give you a better life if you want that." Tate explained.

Tate's POV

I really want to take care of my kid. Me and Violet can have another kid. We want a big family anyways.

Michael finally spoke and made his choice.

Violet began crying and I did too.


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