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Violets POV

I wake up in the morning and feel Tate's arm wrapped around me, he's tracing my cuts. I wish he hadn't seen them.

I turn over and kiss him.

"Good morning" he whispers

"Morning boo bear" I laugh

"When did you come up with that?" he chuckles

I shrug.

"I love you" I smile at him

"I love you too" he grins and kisses me

I yawn and stretch

"It's 9:03" he yawns

"Oh, do you have work today?" I ask him

He nods and groans.

I laugh

"What time?" I ask him

"11:00, I better get ready" he sighs

"Hey, you know my parents are taking the kids out of town tonight" I smirk.

He freezes and gulps

"I'll be home as soon as I can" he nods and blushes

I giggle and he gets ready.

I yawn again and go check on Matt and Mike

I scream

Constance is in there and slit both of their throats

"OH MY GOD" I cry and crumple to my knees

"You bitch" I scream and cry

Tate runs in and screams

He tackles his mom and presses a vein in her neck and she passes out.

I dial 911

"Help me, my husbands mother broke in and killed my two sons!" I sob into the phone

"Okay, we are sending help, do either of them have pulses?" he asks

Tate checks and shakes his head

I cry harder

"No" I say, my voice barely a whisper

"Just wait for help" the male voice sorrowfully says and I hang up

Tate rushes to my side and wraps his arms around me

"I'm so sorry" he cries and I cry.

Just when everything was going right, the darkness took away our light

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