Chapter 8: Sweet Child

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Violets POV

The nurse just told me I was dilated enough to start pushing.

"Violet do you need an epidural?" Tate asks making sure I wouldn't be in too much pain.

"No, not for now at least. Thank you though." I say before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good thing your dad walked in on us or else you would of gone into labor in the middle of us having sex!" Tate whispers in my ear with laughter.

"Very true."

"Okay Mrs. Langdon, we need to you to start pushing now. This is your last chance to receive an epidural to help with the pain." The doctor stated.

"I don't need one. Let's have this baby!"
I say as enthusiastically as possible. Tate holds my sweaty hand and puts his free hand on my shoulder ready to soothe me when the pain comes.
Ben leaves to go wait behind the curtain and my mom sits in a chair on the other side of me.


"Push! Come on Mrs. Langdon. Keep pushing."

I'm squeezing Tate's hand and he's saying "Shh. Come on baby you can do it! Push Vi!"

"Okay I see the head. Come on only a few more big pushes! One!"


"This is the last one come on Mrs. Langdon!"

"UHHHHGGGGGGGAH" I push with all the strength I have. After that I hear the comforting sound of my baby crying.

"It's a boy!" The doctor says.

The doctor then asks, "Mr. Langdon would you like to cut the cord?"

"Yes, of course." Tate says.
The doctor hands Tate a pair of scissors and Tate makes the cut.

The doctor brings the baby out of the room to clean it up and such while I rest.

"I love you so much Vi! You were so good and you didn't even use an epidural!" Tate says with love and joy.

"I love you too Tate" I say while thinking about how much we've grown and how much he has changed.

Tate's POV

Violet is so strong... and beautiful. Despite being in labor for 16 hours now.

The doctor returns with the baby in his hands and asks Violet if she wants to hold it. She says yes.

"He's so beautiful, he looks just like you." Violet says to me.

"Do you wanna hold him?" Violet asks me.

"Yeah can I?" I ask

"Of course!" she answers back and then gently transfers him into my arms.

Ben walks with Vivien and they have a camera.

"Tate get with Violet and hold the baby together! This is gonna make a great picture for the photo album!"

I walk over to Violet and we hold each side of the baby while Vivien snaps the picture.

"That was adorable you guys!" Vivien says.

"Okay so what names have you come up with so far?" I ask Violet.

"Well my two favorites are Cameron and Matthew." She's answered back.

"Matthew. I like that, Matthew Langdon."

"So do we have a name?" Ben asks.

"Yes, we do. Matthew Langdon."

"Aww that's perfect!" Vivien squeals.

The doctor comes back in and tells us Violet will stay and rest and we can take her and the baby home tomorrow.

"Tate are you going to go back to the house with us?" Ben and Vivien ask.

"No, I'm gonna stay here with Violet." I insist

"Thanks Tate!" Violet says as they leave.

"No problem now get some rest newly mommy!"

"Okay newly daddy." she says while scooting over and patting the spot on the hospital bed.

I hop in and we doze off while we hold hands tired from the eventful day.

Hope you guys liked it and don't forget to vote and comment what you thought! Love you guys, y'all rock!

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