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Tate's POV

I wake up and my arms around around Violet, she's curled up like a kitten in my chest.

I kiss her forehead and look at the clock 3:00 in the evening, we only slept for an hour.

I brush Vi's hair out of her face and she wakes up, her hazel eyes fluttering open

She smiles and blushes as she notices I'm staring at her

"What, do I have something on my face?" she asks as she runs her hands over it, trying to find something on it.

"No" I laugh

"Then why were you staring at me?" she asks

"Because you're so beautiful and I can't believe you're mine" I grin

"You're so beautiful too Tate" she smiles and kisses me

"I love you Vi" I hug her tightly

"I love you too Tate, why so emotional?" she laughs at my tight hug

The truth is, I've been really afraid of losing her or her getting hurt lately, I guess it's the dream.

"Just happy I have you" I kiss her head

She giggles and traces circles on my abdomen absent mindedly

"What do you wanna do today?" she asks

"Hmm I don't know, we could go clubbing?" I offer

"Yeah, that sounds fun" she nods

"Okay well it's only 3 so until then we could just watch a movie"

"Yeah, do you wanna watch Avatar?" she asked

"Sure, I've never seen it" I nod

"Are you kidding?! Come on," she laughs and pulls me into the living room

I sit on our leather couch and she gets the movie

She bends down to put the movie in the DVD player and I get a perfect view of her perfect ass

Violets POV

I bend down and I can feel Tate staring at my ass

"Like what you see?" I call

"More than you know" he laughs

I giggle and jump onto the couch with him.

Tate's POV

Vi sits back down on the couch and I grab her ass

"Hey, wait til later!" she giggles and I move my hand up to her back.

I pull her so she's laying across my lap and pull a blanket over us

She snuggles into my chest as the movie begins

Two/ Three hours later

I wake up and Vi and I are both laying down.

She is laying on top of me, her head on my chest

I laugh and rub her back

"Vi, do you still wanna go out?" I whisper

"Huh?" she says groggily

"Do you still wanna go to the club?" I ask her

"Oh, yeah. Just a few more minutes" she smiles and snuggles into my chest

"Take all the time you need, I love cuddling with you" I smile and bend forward to kiss her cheek.

She moves her face quickly so I kiss her lips rather than her cheek.

She laughs and slides her tongue in my mouth and we make out for like 15 minutes

"Good thing we don't have to breathe" she giggles and I nod

Vi gets up and stretches

"What should I wear?" she asks and yawns

"Something tight" I grin

"Okay, I'll see what I can do" she smirks and runs to our room

I laugh and check my phone

Violets POV

I go to my closet and look through my things

Hmm red or black? black.

I contemplate...

Strapless or Sleeves?

I think strapless, easier to take off. I smirk.

I grab my dress and put it on

Tight, just the way Tate likes it

I grab my black LouiVittons Tate got me and put them by the door.

I start on my makeup

Concealer for my dark circles, Primer, Foundation, Bronzer, Blush, Setting powder, Eye Shadow 'Nude', Mascara and I straighten my hair.

I look prettyish.

I go to the door and slip on my heels before walking out

I see Tate in a black v neck and nude/ khaki colored jeans

Fuck, I'm already wet.

I see his jaw drop, good the feeling is mutual.

I giggle

"Violet, you l...l...look stunning" he stutters

"You look great too Tate" I smile and kiss him.

"Let's go" he smiles and takes my hand.

We call a cab since we will probably be too drunk to drive.

We get in the cab and go to a local club.

The music is loud and the bass is vibrating.

I pull Tate to the dance floor and we start dancing.

I grind on him and giggle as I feel him get hard.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks" I shout over the music

"Okay" he smiles and I make my way to the bar

"Can I get one Corona and one Cosmo?" I yell

The guy nods and I turn around and laugh at Tate dancing

I turn back around and get our drinks

I walk over to Tate and give him his beer

"Thanks!" he yells

"No problem" I yell back and we continue dancing.

After I finish my drink I begin to feel woozy

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom!" I shout at Tate

"Okay, I'll join you" he yells and takes my hand, leading me to the bathroom

"It's quieter in here" I smile

"Yeah" he nods and I go into a stall and when I'm about to sit down I feel my knees go weak and I collapse

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