"You're on drugs again!"

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It took some time until she realized it was me but then she took a deep breath and didn't say anything.

"Where's Alyssa?" I asked. She just shrugged.


"Tell. Me. Where. She. Is." I said putting emphasis on every word, she instantly froze. "She's in her room.." her voice trailed off.

I walked out from Riana's room and walked upstairs to Alyssa's. I didn't knock, if I would she'd only have time to hide the drugs - which god forbids if she uses it right now - I opened the door and saw Alyssa reading a book.


I clenched my jaw as I closed my eyes. I didn't know whether I should be happy or angry, to be happy because she wasn't using the drugs now or angry that she'll use them when I'm not around. But I wasn't going to let this one go.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she put the book away and got up from her bed, I backed away as she came closer to me. She stopped.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" I pleaded. "Tell you what?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Cut the bullshit, Alyssa," I said growing impatient, she really didn't want to tell me.

"Justin, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"You're on drugs again!"

This time she didn't look confused, in fact the look on her face was more like how did you know? She didn't flinch nor did she look at me, she tried everything to avoid this. I thought she'd deny it but she's still the same girl I fell in love with. I could always see when she was lying, and she never lied to me. Ever.

"Who told you that?" She managed to say, "I figured out," I simply said "Now tell me where you have the drugs or else I'll turn this house upsidedown"


"No!" I cut her off, "Tell me! I don't want the same shit to be repeated!"

"Justin!" She yelled

"I told you to throw them away, I sat in jail for three years. Three long fucking years, Alyssa. Because you decided to use something that destroys you!" I yelled, not wanting to listen to what she had to say.

"Justin!" She cried, "What?!" I cried back.

The tears begun falling down her cheeks. I wanted to pull her into my embrace, but I really needed her to stop using bad stuff. I did that mistake once too and I know how hard it was to stop but I managed, because I had her who helped me through that.

"I-I.. I started because you left me.." her voice trailed off, sobbingly.

I let out a shaky breath. No matter how much I hoped she wouldn't bring that up, it always has to make me suffer in the end and in this case it was that.

"Alyssa.. Listen to me.. I didn't leave you. I didn't knew that we were moving until mom shoved me into the backseat of her car and drove really far away from here." I explained, "So I'm telling you two things; let the past go and stop using drugs. You will die one day due to an overdose-"

"I'm already dead, Justin." She said, cutting me off emotionlessly. She wiped away the tears and no sing of hurt showing on her face. "I was dead before I even met you. Mom and dad fought almost all the time, they've been from each other for weeks and then they got back together acting as if nothing has happened; then you came and gave me some air, a new chance to live again. I'd do anything for you. So I'm telling you Justin, thank you for helping me I was always and forever will be grateful for that,"

Drugs, Sex, Family, Friends everything is fuckt up. (justin bieber fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now