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Okay so,
first off, ever since we got back to LA, two things have happened:

1. Xan's been with Gazzy almost EVERY day and is acting the complete opposite of how he was acting in Miami. He actually almost ignores my existence completely... And to be completely honest, its kind of bothering me.

2. Gazzy and I have been having arguments. Which is really, really weird for us. He's moody as fuck all of a sudden for no reason. I don't know if its just the withdrawals making him like that or what, but he's been pretty hard to get along with lately and it's starting to really piss me off. He's been extra paranoid about anybody looking at me, talking to me, taking me places... like what the fuck?

I've been doing my best to just focus on school and work but... Its so hard. I don't like fighting with Gazzy and I don't like Diego being around this often but, what am I gonna do?

They were doing a surprise appearance tonight in Palm Beach at a Lil Uzi concert. Uzi is one of my favorite friends that Gazzy has. He's so fun to be around, so I was really looking forward to it.

As usual, I was getting dressed for the night when Gazzy came into the room.

As usual, I was getting dressed for the night when Gazzy came into the room

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"...You look gorgeous." He said quietly


"Yo uh—I'm sorry babygirl."


"I know we been fighting and stuff, and its my fault. Its just... I'm still tryna kick this shit you know? And I been workin alot, I'm just stressed out I guess.."

I sighed

"I know. I just wish you didn't have to take stuff out on me...and that you weren't so paranoid about everything lately."

"Well how the fuck I'm supposed to act, Elle?"

"Not like this!" I snapped

"I just don't trust these niggas man!"

I was getting heated by this point.

"Is it them you don't trust, or is it me? Maybe its you and you're just trying to make me feel like I'm the one with the problem."

"Stop being fuckin stupid, its not that!" He yelled

"Who the fuck are you calling stupid? You know what Gaz, I'm done with this conversation. I'll drive myself to the fucking venue."

I snatched my purse off of the bed and stormed out of the room, passing Purp on my way to the stairs.

"Ayo... are y'all good?" He asked


I just can't understand why he's treating me like I'm his property or some shit.

Gazzy's Point of View

The One • Book 2 • Lil PumpWhere stories live. Discover now