Serious Update

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Okay most of you have probably already heard of the slender man stabbing. I have many thoughts on this. So I'm going to start off by sending all my best thoughts and hopes go out to the family of the little girl who was stabbed. I would never wish this upon anyone and I am deeply saddened to know that this happened within this fandom.

I am also upset that people are blaming this all on the creepy pasta website. Just because two crazy little girls go out and stab one of their friends in "the name of slenderman," does not mean that every person in the fandom is crazy and out to do the same thing. I think that either the two girls parents were very absent, or the two girls were just crazy. Most of the people in this fandom are normal citizens.

You should not wreck a whole fandom for two peoples actions.

I felt the need to post this because I am the author of Blood Flow, Sky is the Limit, and several other stories submitted to the creepy pasta website, all stories about death and murder and terrible things. And I almost feel that I am obligated to apologies for this fandom. But this does not mean that we are going to shrivel up and leave, we will grow stronger as a fandom. But we all need to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again.


I'm leaving now. Sorry if this was awkward or whatever but I'm really upset by this.

~Hope Genevieve

Sky is the LimitМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя