*Chapter 22* - Final part 1

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The sound of my heart was beating loudly in my ears. Sweat was rolling down my face, my eyes were darting around the room trying to pinpoint exactly what was going on. It was as if someones hands were pressing down on my chest. The heavier the weight got, the harder it was to breath. I tried to remain calm but as my breath starts hitching and gasping for air, I panicked, thrusting an kicking. Trying to snake out of the mysterious situation. I tried screaming for help, but when I opened my mouth, as cliché as it sounds, nothing came out.

Slight cracking noises rang throughout the room as my ribs gave into the unknown force. Tears streamed my face, but there was nothin I could do but sit there as my ribs broke.

"Sky," an almost ghostly whisper called out, a cool breeze coming over my whole body lightning the pain. My eyes once again shot around the room, searching for the source of the mysterious voice. "Sky," it called again. There was something unbelievable familiar about the voice. I just could not pinpoint who it belonged to.

Every time the voice would call for me, the pain would lighten ever so slightly, to the point of it almost being non existent.

"Sky," it called one last time. I sat up, the pressure disappearing, my ribs appearing to not be broken any more.

"Hello?" My voice finally cooperated, sounding frail and broken. There was a silence. A long silence. I sat alone in my room awkwardly.

"Sky...are you there?" The faint voice called out once more. It was recognizable as a woman's voice.

"Yes, I'm right here,"

"Sweetie..." The light voice continued. My heart sank as a cold sweat can across my entire body, each middle slowly tensing up as a horrible realization washed over me.


"Sweetie... Come...come to me," the voice chimed moving further away. I opened my bedroom door and obeyed. The loud pounding of my heart beat against my skull. "Keep walking...sweetie...come here," one step after another, my mothers voice led me outside in front of the house.

"Mom, please. Where are you?" My voice broke. My heart was practically pounding out of my chest. The air was think and cold. Fog was covering the ground. Sounds we're surrounding me, suffocating me. I was beguiling to feel overwhelmingly claustrophobic, unable to breath. "Mom!" I screamed begging for my mother. I wanted her to come to me. To hug me. To tell me that everything was going to be alright. But most of all I wanted her to be okay. For her to prove to me that I didn't actually kill her.

Suddenly the noises all silenced. It was an uneasy science. A science that has you sitting on the edge of your seat in anticipation.

"Sky," Hope's echoing voice called out at me. Leaves crunched, as if someone was walking towards me.

"Mom...I'm here," the sound continued coming towards me. The air around me slowly shifted from cold to warm. I could feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "I'm so sorry," I choked crying into my moms shoulder, "oh god mom I'm so sorry," I repeated that. Over and over. I wanted her to know how sorry I was. I wanted her to know how much I love her.

"Shhh baby it's okay," she whispered moving back from me slightly. She moved her skinny delicate hand down to my chin and forced me to look at her face. And that is when I realized something was horribly wrong. Her eyes were missing. There were just red sockets, blood spilling from them, staining her pale cheeks. Her once beautiful hair was missing in chunks, and her smile was stitched into a permeant smile, with the hair ripped from her scalp.

"You are not my mother," I whispered scooting back.

"You're right," it chuckled, the voice I once loved changing into something much darker. Something I had heard before. "But this is her real skin. I salvaged what I could."

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