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ok the previous note here was too long gn to that


Taehyung sighed in disbelief at the fact that Jimin was bored. "Yeah, downstairs." He said, gesturing toward the door.

"Nice." Jimin hopped off of the bed and walked out, acting more comfortably in Taehyung's home than Taehyung did himself. He plopped himself down on the couch and waited for Taehyung to come, turning the television on and pulling up a Popular Movie Streaming Service™

The most popular ones were always in English, which was something Taehyung wasn't very good at. He also hated reading subtitles, so he planned to keep scrolling until Jimin stopped him.

"What about that one?" He said, gesturing to the second most popular film. It was one Taehyung had never heard of but, by the look on Jimin's face, he knew he didn't want to watch it. "I've seen it before. I think you'd like it."

"No thanks." Just by looking at the movie cover he could tell it was a sexual film, which was something he didn't want to watch--especially with Jimin.

"Don't be a buzzkill," Jimin groaned, snatching the remote into his own hands. "It's either this or a scary movie."

It didn't take but a second for Taehyung to come to a decision. "Scary movie." He had never been too fond of horror films, but anything was better than the movie Jimin wanted to watch. A movie Taehyung had seen many times before was picked--and it was actually in Korean. Train to Busan sarted playing and the two boys sat silently as they watched it. (A/N I know these notes kill the mood but uhh anyway this is the only movie in korean that I know so fuck all of you goodnight)

Despite watching it so many times before, Taehyung flinched watching the female zombie rise and attack the train attendant, clinging onto her back as she stumbled through the cars. He was a total wimp and he would willingly admit that.

"How adorable," Jimin chuckled. "You're actually scared, aren't you?"

"Shut up," Taehyung mumbled, his face heating up. "It's called a scary movie for a reason."

Jimin responded only with a laugh before they both continued watching the movie in silence, Taehyung feeling himself instinctly lean into Jimin at any frightening scenes.

It wasn't until the father stood on the railing with his daughter and the pregnant woman that Taehyung remembered the ending. He had never been able to watch that movie without crying, and he was positive that this time wouldn't be an exception.

He clutched the decorative pillow to his chest as he watched, trying his hardest to keep any tears from spilling, especially since he could feel Jimin watching him.

The movie soon ended and Taehyung managed to make it without a single tear dampening his cheeks, mentally applauding himself for it.

"I'm surprised you didn't cry," Jimin teased. "You seem like the type of person to cry during movies."

"I'm not that sensitive," he lied, hitting Jimin with the pillow he was holding. In turn, Jimin grabbed the other pillow on the couch and knocked it onto Taehyung's head. They continued beating each other with the cushions, Jimin easily winning. He continued to hit it against Taehyung's head and torso until his back fell against the couch.

"Okay, you win!" Taehyung cried out, a large smile on his face. "I accept my defeat!"

Jimin, who was straddling Taehyung, laughed as he relished in his victory.

"You can get off of me now," he said quietly.

"What if I don't want to?" Jimin asked, giving Taehyung a suggestive look. He stayed put as Taehyung tried to push him off, grinning at his inability to accomplish a single inch of movement.

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