t w e n t y f o u r

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finally learned how to make the güd edits as of May 15th 😪🤙🏼

also i usually edit chapters twice before posting them AND make sure i have at least five other chapters ready but uhhh guess who's doing NEITHER for this one


"This isn't my house," Taehyung stated with another one of his countless giggles. The other boy in the car, however, wasn't giggling. He parked the car on the side on a basically unridden street, nothing but grasslands and trees on either side of the road.

Taehyung glanced at the clock on the dash of his car, squinting until he could read the blue numbers on the screen. It was eleven twenty-six, which meant they had been driving for over half an hour.

"Where are we?" He asked, blinking as his gaze trudged toward Kris, who he felt he was starting to recognize. "Wait a minute. . .we do go to school together, don't we?"

"Yep." Kris stared straight ahead, seemingly in deep consideration.

"Are you mad that I called your hair weird earlier?" Taehyung asked with a pout, noticing the discontent look on the older's face. "Im sooorrrry!"

"God, will you please shut up?" Kris put the car back into gear. "Your talking is giving me a headache." He began driving once more, turning back the way they came.

"Where are we going now?" He seemed to completely ignore Kris' request for silence.

"I'm taking you home, you idiot."


Every headache Taehyung had felt prior to this specific Tuesday morning felt like nothing compared to this one. He let out a groan and rolled over onto his side, slowly opening his eyes.

The first thing he noticed was his mother, who was standing a few feet in front of his bed with her hands on her hips and a dangerous look in her eyes.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," she started as soon as she noticed her son was awake. "How about we start with why you came home at twelve thirty drunk off your ass, huh? Or how about why Kris Wu, my new boss' fucking son, drove you home?"

The last part made Taehyung shoot straight into a sitting position, which brought forth a wave of nausea. He threw the covers off and ran to the bathroom where he proceeded to spill the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

"I'm not done with you," his mom called out from his bedroom. "Come straight downstairs when you're finished.

After another five or so minutes or torturous vomiting, Taehyung was pretty sure he was done--at least for now. He flushed the toilet and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, cursing to himself when he realized just how much trouble he was in.

He forced himself downstairs and into the kitchen area where a glass of water and some painkillers were already waiting for him. As soon as he downed them, his mother continued her interrogation.

"What the hell were you thinking?" She asked him. "In what world is it okay for you to stay out past midnight drinking alcohol and doing only God knows what else?"

"Did you say Kris Wu drove me home?" He asked after a moment, downing more water immediately after.

"Is that seriously all you have to say for yourself?" She scoffed and threw down the washcloth she was holding. "What's happening to you? Since when do you drink and party? This isn't you, Taehyung."

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