not an update;

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hey, author speaking haha

so im going to delete this after a while but i was wondering what you guys would be more interested in reading. would you rather me

focus 100% on this book (if you choose this you better drop any ideas bc im on chap 24 and im like so stuck)

Watched epilogue

a yoonseok ghost one (i already started it and i have so much motivation for it like aksksks)

a vkook age gap one (im like 6 chapters in and i have moderate motivation for it) psa: tae is a badass sorta biker dude and kook is a troubled teen bc uwu

a shipless one set in a post-apocalyptic sorta world (i have one 5k chapter finished)

or a zombie au with like all the basic ships (i have about 3 or 4 chapters written and like kinda low motivation bc im low on ideas but like sksksk)

anyway please tell me what sounds better so I can know how to appease the public ;)

innocence; vminHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin