s i x t e e n

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A/N: I'm a professional ship ruiner :)


"You came!" Sanha's voice came from behind Taehyung, the older being given a tight hug when he turned around. He wrapped his arms around the boy's torso and laughed.

"If course I did," he said. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

"You did great, Sanha," Jungkook said, causing the youngest's head to pop up. "You've improved a lot in the last three years."

Sanha let go of Taehyung the second he spotted Jungkook, moving to give him a hug just as excitedly.

The three talked and laughed as the two younger ones got caught up, Taehyung deciding to take them out for ice cream

He expected the enthusiastic response from Sanha, but Jungkook was somehow even more excited. The boy was basically vibrating.

Taehyung felt almost like he was babysitting two children, but it didn't bother him. He had always liked children, anyway.

The three got into Taehyung's car, the younger ones both deciding to sit in the back, leaving Taehyung alone in the front, and drove to the ice cream shop Taehyung and Sanha had visited that Friday.

"Holy shit, that actually sounds really good," Jungkook mused when told about the controversial ice cream Sanha enjoyed.

"It's settled then," Taehyung said before turning to the employee. "Can we each get two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough in a waffle come with extra sprinkles, please?"

The three had taken a while to finish their ice cream, not wanting the moment to go by too quickly. Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting beside each other while Sanha sat on the opposite side of the table.

". . .And then the teacher caught him on his phone and chewing gum!" Sanha spoke as if his story was the most interesting thing in the world. "Isn't that just crazy?" Both older boys nodded before the youngest continued babbling on and on.

Taehyung's attention was taken from the boy when he felt something brush his leg before resting on it. He looked down to see Jungkook's hand right above his knee. He gave the culprit a skeptical look, but it went unnoticed. He decided not to think too much of the gesture, as Jungkook had always been a pretty touchy person.

His mindset changed when Jungkook's thumb started rubbing against the fabric of his jeans. "What are you doing?" He whispered, Jungkook turning and looking down at his hand.

"Oh, oops," he whispered back. "I'm not trying to hit on you or anything, I swear. Does it bother you?"

Taehyung figured that if Jungkook wasn't trying to come onto him then there was really no harm in it. "Not really," he replied.

"Are you guys even listening to me?" Sanha pouted. "I thought you said you cared about Myungjun!"

"We do," Jungkook chuckled. "I promise we're listening, okay?"

Sanha wasted no time before continuing his story. Jungkook payed attention easily, but Taehyung found himself distracted by the hand on his leg. He knew Jungkook said he wasn't hitting on him, but he couldn't help the fact that he was a hormonal teenager and that simple gesture kinda maybe kinda turned him on a little bit.

An idea suddenly came to his mind. Jimin hated when anyone except himself touched him or even looked at him for too long. Since he was pretty damn sure Jungkook didn't have feelings for him, he decided it wouldn't hurt to use him to make him jealous.

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