t w e n t y o n e

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A/N: okay bitch it's Easter and I'm mad so get ready for some fucking angst :)


Taehyung's outfit and makeup were put on without any difficulty. As time went by, though, he grew really nervous. What if Jimin decided to try something spicy? What if he asked him to be his boyfriend? He knew he wasn't ready for either of those so soon after all of his interactions with Kris.

He looked over his appearance in the mirror for the umpteenth time and decided that it just wasn't right. Off went the turtleneck and dark jeans, soon replaced by a thin, blue button-up and lighter pants. He also decided to redo his makeup, going a bit more natural with it.

A few minutes later and he was finally satisfied with how he looked. He even considered taking a few pictures but was stopped by the doorbell.

Taehyung took one last look at himself before hurriedly making his way downstairs and to the front door, almost running into his mom on the way there.

"I got it," he insisted.

"Oh, alright, honey," she said with a smile. "Is it one of your friends?"

"Yep." He didn't want to delve any further so he went ahead and opened the door, keeping it just wide enough to block his mom from seeing who it was.

"Oh, shit, you look good."

"Same to you." Taehyung wasn't lying. Jimin was in a loose pink sweater and some gray jeans, only a few shades lighter than his hair. Although simple, the outfit was undeniable cute and a lot different from his usual attire.

"Tell your friend to watch his language!"

Taehyung sighed, using all of his willpower to not bury his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

"Is that your mom?" Jimin asked, looking over Taehyung's shoulder to be met with the short, motherly woman. "Hello, Ms. Kim!"

Taehyung gave him a look as if to say "the hell are you doing?!", but was completely ignored as his mother moved him to the side.

"Oh." Her voice sounded almost disappointed, but she did her best to keep a smile on her face. "You're Jimin, right?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jimin replied with a soft smile. He was being uncharacteristically polite, which confused Taehyung a bit. "It's nice to finally meet you." He reached his hand forward, which his mother took and gently shook.

"Same to you," she said. "I've heard a lot about you."

"Can we go now?" Taehyung didn't like his mom meeting Jimin like that. It was just weird. "We have plans."

"Oh, really? What are you going to do?" His mom asked nosily.

"Nothing. Bye." He grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him out of the door, closing it as he did so. "I can't believe you just started a conversation with my mom!"

"What? Would you rather me just pretend she doesn't exist?" Jimin's giggle kept Taehyung from getting mad at him, although it's not really possible for him to really get mad at him over something that trivial. "Fine, fine, Im sorry. I'll pretend your mother is invisible from now on."

"Stop being a dick." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "It's just weird, okay?"

"Does she, uh," Jimin paused to clear his throat. "Does she know you're not, like, you know. . .straight?"

Taehyung thought for a moment. "Well, I don't think we've directly discussed it or anything, but I'm pretty sure she knows I'm not straight. Why?"

"I just. . .I just don't want to cause any more problems in your life than I already have." Jimin scratched at the back of his neck and looked away, a bit scared to see how Taehyung would react.

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