t h i r t y t w o

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this chapter is really sloppy and rushed and overall really sucky so sorry :(


Detention soon came to an end and, much to Taehyung's surprise, Kris was the first out of the door. Before he could follow, he was stopped by Young.

"Do you want me to walk with you?" He asked quietly. "It looked like he was bothering you earlier so maybe it would be a bit safer if you don't walk alone."

Taehyung nodded eagerly. "Yes, please."

With Young by his side, he began out of the door, only for Kris to grab him by his hair.

"Were you seriously waiting outside of the fucking door, you creep?" Young asked with exasperation, watching as Taehyung winced in pain.

"Come on, Tae. We have things to discuss." He began dragging Taehyung away.

"I'll report you," Young threatened, Kris immediately stopping in his tracks. "It probably wouldn't be too good for your father's business if it got out that his son was a rapey asshole."

Kris leg go of Taehyung's hair, stepping forward until he was measured right up to Young. It was obvious that he was taking advantage of the height difference.

"You better hope for your own good that nothing gets out," he threatened, although not a flash of fear showed itself on Young's nonchalant face."Well, Tae, looks like I'll need to take a rain check. We'll just have to schedule for another day."

As soon as Kris was gone, Taehyung broke down into tears again. He felt Young place a hand on his shoulder, the simple gesture quickly developing into a full hug.

Taehyung just cried into his shoulder for a minute before pulling away, wiping any moisture off of his cheeks. "God, I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean for you to get dragged into this."

"Don't apologize. Almost anyone would break down after something like that." Young could tell there was more to the story than just simple harassment, but he knew not to pry. "Hey, lets exchange numbers. That way, if he messes with you again, you can just call me. Or, you know, if you just want to hang out sometime."

Taehyung smiled and nodded, pulling out his phone and tapping his way through to create a new contact.

Soon enough, Young had saved his number in Taehyung's phone as "Young Kash Register" while Taehyung did the same as, well, just his name.


Taehyung entered his house quietly, hoping he wouldn't run into his mom or even alert her of his arrival. As soon as he closed the door, though, a male voice was heard.

"Your mother went out to get groceries," her boyfriend, Chilhyun, stated. "She told me not to let you out of the house when you get here so it looks like you're on lockdown."

He had a playful tone and, although he just was trying to keep Taehyung from thinking he was trying to be mean, it only made the younger feel like he was teasing him.

"Oh, really?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Have fun explaining this to her, then." He turned around and, despite Chilhyun's protests, left the house.

He quickly got back into his car and pulled out his phone, dialing Jimin's number. The younger picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He seemed slightly out of breath as he spoke.

"Where are you right now?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm at Yoongi's," he replied. A muffled "Who is it?" was heard in the background by a voice that Taehyung easily identified as Yoongi's. "Look, it's not really a good time right now. Can I call you back later?"

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