t h i r t y t h r e e

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does anyone even care about the actual plot anymore or should i just turn this into a smut book like,, honestly. literally didn't even proofread lmao

6/31: so i'm back from my little hiatus. my mental state is much better and i just want to thank you guys for all of the supportive messages i got and for being so patient. i'll try to update regularly again.

oh, and thanks for 4k reads!


Taehyung woke up to a strip of sunlight settling across his face, prompting his eyes to flutter open. As he trickled into consciousness, he noticed the arm firmly wrapped around his waist and the breath that tickled his skin, emitting from the boy whose face was nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

It was a calming feeling and Taehyung couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to wake up next to Jimin like that every day.

He shuffled closer to Bogum, unintentionally waking him up. Although he did lift his face up, his arm remained framing Taehyung's small figure. "'Morning," Bogum slurred, the heat of his breath pooling warmth onto the skin of his neck and ears. "Sleep well?"

Taehyung gave a quick nod, a content smile on his face as he felt Bogum pull him yet closer. It was such a domestic feeling that made him once again realize just how badly he wanted a normal relationship.

"We should probably get up."

Those words evoked a negative reaction from Taehyung, a whine emitting from his throat. "Too comfy," he muttered sleepily.

"You don't want to fix things with Jimin?" He asked, to which Taehyung didn't respond, letting his silence answer for him. Bogum seemed to give up, as he only returned the silence.

Taehyung did want things with Jimin to be fixed, but he didn't want to fix them himself. Most likely, Jimin was off fucking Yoongi or anyone else he could get his hands on with Taehyung being the last person on his mind.

The thought upset Taehyung, but the feeling of lips pressed against his neck was a quick distraction from his impending sadness. He tilted his head slightly and pressed his body against Bogum's in response to the advance.

A soft sound left his mouth as a hand slipped under his shirt, cold fingertips dancing over the smooth skin that was hidden underneath. Just as Taehyung really started to get into it, Bogum pulled away and sat up, earning another whine from the younger.

"Now get up, you horndog."


Taehyung just watched as Bogum cleaned the dishes they had used for breakfast, swinging his legs that were dangling from the stool he sat on with a belly full of food and a sleepy look on his face.

"So," he started, getting bored with the silence. "Since you're obviously not going to school, what are our plans for today?"

Bogum glanced back at him before continuing what he was doing. "I have a few things to do today, actually," he stated, his voice slightly drowned out by the sound of running water. "I need to do a bit of grocery shopping for my mom, go to the library to pick up a few books, and catch up on some school work. Are you sure you want to sit through all of that?"

Taehyung nodded eagerly even though he knew Bogum couldn't see. "I'll entertain myself."

"If you insist."

Once the dishes were washed and the kitchen was clean, Bogum left into the bathroom to shower, leaving Taehyung to change into his outfit from the day before, as Bogum's clothes didn't fit him too well.

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