t h i r t y f o u r

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not gonna be 100% accurate or great because i wrote the first half over half a year ago


Taehyung and Bogum's long day was finally over at about four, the two boys coming back to the latter's house and immediately crashing in his bedroom. They both fell backwards into the bed and took a deep breath.

"Tell me the truth," Bogum started after a few minutes, turning on his side and leaning his head on his hand to look at Taehyung. "How excruciatingly boring was today?"

Taehyung chuckled and shrugged, continuing to stare up at the ceiling. "It wasn't bad," he answered honestly. "Better than it would have been if I went home."

"Yeah," he scoffed. "I bet." He shuffled closer to and put an arm around the younger, who immediately responded by laying his head on his chest. The movement was so natural and fluid that it almost looked practiced. "You really should leave before it gets dark, though. Your mom will hate both of us if you don't."

"I know." Taehyung closed his eyes and turned his head, the new position allowing him to listen to Bogum's heartbeat. "God, she's going to kill me."

The older responded with silence, his fingers running through the fading blonde strands of Taehyung's hair, unknowingly lulling the boy into a half-asleep state.

Taehyung didn't mind, though. The feeling was relaxing and he almost hoped to fall asleep so he could stay the night again. He knew he was welcome, but was also aware that it was best for him to return home.

Just the thought of his mom yelling at him on top of the drama with Jimin and Yoongi gave him a headache, the sensation showing in his furrowed eyebrows and tensed jaw muscles.

"Stop worrying so much." Bogum seemed to read his mind. That, or his body language. "If the consequences don't last a month at the least then there's nothing to be anxious about."

That was his main philosophy. Bogum believed in keeping a carefree attitude about everything, sometimes to an irresponsible extent. He truly believed that, if you wouldn't suffer for longer than a month, it didn't matter and wasn't important enough to be stressed out over.

Taehyung wished he could be that stress-free. As opposed to Bogum's one-month rule, Taehyung felt that just five minutes of suffering was worth stressing over.

Deciding he didn't want to think about as heavy of a topic as that, Taehyung decided to instead reminisce about his day. It started out pretty shitty with the memory of the previous night fresh in his mind, but as the day went on it slowly got better.

One thing that confused him was Bogum's behavior at the library. The two boys, Inho and Isaac, seemed nice enough, and he knew they couldn't cause any harm if they were friends with Hyunuk. He just couldn't figure out why Bogum acted like that when he saw him.

Instead of asking Bogum himself, he took his phone from his pocket and unlocked it, scanning his home screen until he found the Instagram app. He opened it and pulled up Hyunuk's page, searching "Inho" in his followers until he found the teen's account under the username "nations_bbb."

All of his pictures were with his friends, save a few selfies here and there. Taehyung laughed a little as he noticed how much taller he made himself look online.

"Why are you on Hwang Inho's account?" Bogum suddenly questioned, obviously having been snooping over Taehyung's shoulder. "Are you guys friends or something?"

"Why does it matter to you?" Taehyung shot back. "It's pretty obvious you don't like him, but I don't see why. He seems really nice and his friends are-"

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