e i g h t e e n

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A/N: yall so normally i dont post until i finish another chapter but i have SCHOOL tomorrow and i cant COPE!!! chapter 23 can wait 😤😡

also i need to promote my new story rq its the yoonseok one where hobi is a ghost and i, instead of waiting until i had about 10 chapters prewritten like normal, i published the first chaoper as soon as i wrote and edited it so uwu pls show your support you cunts (i also will gladly take plot ideas for it and this one like im genuinely so low on ideas recently cause ive been sick nonstop so haha :) im desperate )


"Took you long enough," Hyunuk said playfully once Taehyung finally arrived to the library. The teen was nestled in a corner surrounded by open books. An aura of peace basically screamed at Taehyung and he almost felt bad about interrupting it. "I was about to think you wouldn't show."

"I wouldn't miss our date for the world," Taehyung teased, eliciting the same flustered reaction he had during class earlier. He chuckled and sat down across from him.

He would have been there thirty minutes ago but just so happened to have a breakdown in his room. He had gone to retrieve some notes he left there but ended up having a small mental breakdown, which resulted in him sitting with cold spoons over his eyes for a while to reduce the swelling and redness. It was basically just a hot mess.

After a moment of glaring, Hyunuk went straight back to studying. Taehyung would have done the same but, admittedly, he wasn't in a studying mood--if those even existed.

"Are you sick or something?" He asked, gesturing to the mask over Hyunuk's face.

"Yeah, I have a condition called ugly," Hyunuk replied sarcastically, even earning a small laugh from Taehyung.

"Oh, come on." He grinned as he shuffled through the papers in his hands. "Why would I go on a date with you if you were ugly?"

"It's not a date!" Hyunuk said a bit too loudly, earning glares from other students. He apologized as a pink glow was sprinkled across his cheeks. The scene only caused Taehyung to laugh even more.


"I'm taking a break," Taehyung said with a whine, dropping the pencil in his aching hand. "I'm going to get some tea, want some?"

Hyunuk nodded, telling Taehyung what he wanted before the latter left to get it. The little café he had visited with Hoseok that one day was thankfully only a walking distance away.

After getting their orders, Taehyung made his way back to the library to see Hyunuk in the exact same position. If he didn't have a sore joint in his bofy the next fay Taehyung's wig would be snatched.

"Take a break," the blonde insisted, taking his seat and lightly kicking Hyunuk's shin. "At this rate the whole project is going to be done tomorrow."

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing to me." Hyunuk grabbed the tea and drank from it as he continued studying, only putting it down so he could switch the song playing through his ear buds.

Taehyung took advantage of the distraction to take out his own phone, snapping a picture of Hyunuk. He posted the picture with a caption that he knew would get a reaction out of the kid. Almost immediately, there was a comment from an account named 'hanyuk.'

It's not a date.

"Do you have my post notifications on?" Taehyung snickered. It was originally a joke, but he realized there might actually be some truth to it when the teen's face lit uo for the thousandth time.

innocence; vminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang