Chapter 1

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??? POV

Its been 3 years since the first wave and I've become into this. A monster. I mean..its pretty cool and all having these new and sharpened abilities but, I really can't deny that I miss my mom. I only have my two cats left since the others died. I once live alone with my mom with at least six cats. My mom gave me this vitamin-medicine-thingy to help me create enough blood cells in my body because I'm anemic. After a week or so, I got completely ill, to the point where I'm still and cold as dead but still alive at the same time. And that is where it all went downhill. I sighed as I look around the city where I used to live and complain about how shitty it is and lovely at the same time. Now its nothing but a abandoned ghost town, there was a stronghold near my house where I used to go inside to attend highschool. My mom fled there when I turned. But it still didn't save them from the higher rank zombies who can be clever for a brain dead meat sacks. And now, there's nothing left alive other than some immuned animals and the very few zombies and attackers. An attacker is an infected animal, mostly dogs. Cat's never fully evolve, they always die in the end of the process while some can be fully immuned. Like the one's I have left. I don't know about birds or the others, I've never seen the zoo around this place. Hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, hare, rabbits and little mice's were also immune, except for the big rats. They're gross. But they never attacked me specially me being infected and all, plus me being one of the higher rank zombie. I won't deny that I miss my old boring, problematic life than this. Wondering around aimlessly. I also always wear a black hoodie, and mask to hide away my deathly pale white skin. I used to have a light tan when I was human. But now I look like a porcelain doll with goldish red eyes that were once dark brown, people would've mistaken for black. My long wavy and shiny black hair in the back and inside the hood. Now, you may think, why the hell do I wear a mask and a hoodie in the middle of summer? Okay, maybe not the summer part but its because my skin would easily burn in the sunlight. I don't know why and how I burn in bright and slightly hot light like that, but I do. Learned that in a hard way. I maybe dead, but my brain and nervous system still works and it hurts like hell. Imagine you avoiding the boiling hot oil when frying then it got dumped all over you, wouldn't that hurt?of course it would silly. And the pain is same as that. But anyway, enough about me. I need to go out there to scavenge some food for my cats, Eevee and Cutie.

"Have to go out now and get you guys some food 'kay? Be good, and when you hear something and its not me, hide. Alright, I gotta go now" I told the two like they were able to understand it and pet them before I left and locked the door. I walked among the small crowd of mindless creatures growling at me for my odd behaviour as I growl back lightly. As I'm walking quietly, I accidentally stepped on a crawler's hand as it lashes at me viciously and I dodge back snarling at the foul creature as I got into my fighting crouch. It snarled at me as it tried to crawl at me with speed, but I was faster and kicked the shit outta it as its neck got broken and it screeched in defeat and started to crawl away. 'Tch' stupid meatsacks. I went inside a grocery store as I try and find food for me and the cats. I suddenly heard a loud honk in the distance. 'The hell??' I thought as I peered outside to see a huge truck honking as it drove at a minimal speed past the store I was in. The passenger beside the driver looked at my direction before pulling out something that I didn't get the chance to see as it went by. 'Crap!did they see me?!?shoot shoot shoot' I panicked as I took the supplies I needed and ran out keeping myself away from trouble and anyone's sight. If the zombies would able to smell me, they would only think that I'm a runner or an attacker. I can barely hear in the distance the first truck, and now, I can hear another one and its closer. Being a higher ranked zombie has its perks. I ran straight towards home and unlocked it.

"We have a big problem cats, time to get moving! Go inside the bag, we're leaving" I slightly yelled as I gently but quickly took the two felines and chucked them into my bag with some supplies as I go towards my backyard with the cats on my backpack as I heard them suddenly opening my front door 'shit, I forgot to lock the front door! How the hell did they manage to follow me?!? If they didn't followed me, then this is one unlucky coincidence' I thought.

"Clear. Someone come with me upstairs, just incase if back-up's needed" I heard a woman's voice say. I ran and started to climb the back fence as I heard someone shout 'welp, seems like they finally saw me'.

"Hey wait! Are you a survivor? We're not gonna hurt you" A man's voice said directly to me as I'm finally at the top of the wall fence thing as the others look towards my direction. 'Not gonna hurt you my ass, I'm outta here'. I thought as I jump down silently near the open sewer.

"Wait!" They ran after me trying to climb the wall fence that I climbed so easily. My cats were silent inside the bag as they already know that we're in trouble. I ran around the corners, climb up a ladder, jumped through roofs as the others run after me while the other ran towards their vehicle, starting the engine. I need to keep my speed at bay and run as fast as humanly possible or they might get suspicious and shoot me. I ran and hid in the corner as they stopped and looked around for any traces of me. Good thing I hardly got tired after all of those running. 'Deym, they're super fit if they're still not tired enough after those running and jumping and climbing. Though I can hear them slightly panting'.

"Where's the kid?they couldn't get that far, I'm sure they got tired after all of those running" 'I ask the same question to you bud, I ask the same.' I thought as I rolled my eyes under my mask.

"Look around, they might be able to know what happened here, and is the only survivor left *radio sounds* found anything usefull Drake?" I heard a new voice, his voice sounded of mid 20's. I was hiding behind some boxes and trash cans. My cat suddenly shifted and 'meowed' thinking that we're off the hook. 'Oh sweet sweet holy sugar honey ice tea, we're dead. We're so dead'  I would've snickered at the pun but now's not the time. I heard footsteps walking towards me and the shuffling of some boxes. 'Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!' I mentally panicked as tried to move backwards only to hit my back on the wall as I tried to make myself smaller and silence the confused cats. I can do literally nothing, I'm cornered.

"There you are, hey there, I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm here to help ya, its alright little one" a big buff man softly said with his deep voice. 'Uhh excuse me?!? I'm like 17! Why you little, uuurrrggghhh! If I weren't wearing my mask, oh you..! You're just big! Hmph!'.

"I'm Gordon, you can just call me Gord or Gon" he smiled and offered his hand. I sat there frozen not knowing what to do. 'Dafuq?!?what do I do?!?should I accept his offer? I don't even know him! What if he ask me about the mask? Will he kill me? No one's gonna take care of my two fur babies! Shoot, I'm just staring! Snap out of it ya bish!' I snapped out of my daze as I look at his hand, then to him, then the two guys behind him as I played hesitant, nah scratch that, I'm friggin hesitant! He must've followed my gaze as he looked back to his comrades.

"Ah..those two won't harm ya either, the guy with the purple hair is Chris. The one in who's younger and shorter is Jeffery. And what about you? What's your name?" The two looked back at me as they smiled and waved before going back to their alert and defensive posture, ready for any sudden attack. I don't want to talk so I remember the sign language that I taught to myself once at grade six and signed to him. He looked suprised for a moment and then called to one of them.

"Jeff, where's your sketch pad and ballpen?" He asked as 'Jeff' looked back to him confused. But then Gordon's face turned into a serious and urgent one. Those of the military commander and he instantly shut him up. He took something from his small satchel and tossed it to Gordon. He turned his attention to me as his expression turned soft as he handed me a small binder with a pen inside the spring locks.

"Now, what was your name again?" He smiled reasuringly. I hesitantly and slowly put out my shaking hands, staring straight at his soft face, afraid that he'll suddenly snatch my hands to his grip and take off my mask and hoodie. I took the ballpen and the binder and wrote my made-up name that I usually use to all of my oc's. I don't trust him enough to give him my real name. For now, I'm...


The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें