Chapter 7

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Sasiah's POV

Oh for fook's sake! What is this thing made of? Obsidian?!?(lol minecraft reference) I have never been insulted and taunted so much, just by a freaking chocolate. I heard Gordon sigh.

"Stop on trying to chew that, you're just gonna break your teeth. You haven't even put a dent on it, let's just get you a better one when we get to the strongho—"

"Houston! We have a problem!" Jeff suddenly stopped the truck making me jerk forwards but Gordon was able to catch me.

"What?" Gordon sighed in irritation trying not to snap at the poor guy who flinched at his word.

"T-the got overrun by z-zombies.." He croaked trying not to cry, their family and friends must've been in there and now they're probably dead. All of the people here on the back gasped excluding me. All of their eyes are wide open with expressions that I cannot read. They ran out of the truck box while I was left inside.

I slowly peeked out to see a burning stronghold with lots of wandering and staggering mindless creatures. I looked at the group to see them crying and trying to hold back Gordon who's having a tantrum and screaming somebody's name.

"No! Let me go! Avy! We need to save her!" Gordon pleaded with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry Gon, but please, calm down, we all know that our families are in there and..." Lizzy sobbed.

" poor baby girl...Avy.." Gordon wept as he dropped to his knees. I felt bad even though it's rare for me to feel anything at all because of the virus.

I walked towards them as all of them cry their hearts out. Jeff saw me and enveloped me in a hug, crying on my shoulders as I hugged him back, trying to remember how to comfort people back when I was a human. I looked around to see another truck in the distance and two people hugging each other. A bright pink hair was the one that took my attention as I realize who those people are.

I released Jeff from the hug as I'm about to go to my limit of self control. I looked towards the stronghold as I noticed something as the pupils of my eyes adjusted to a smaller ones like of those in the camera lenses. I went near Gordon who keep on crying and bawling his eyes out like the others. I tugged my hood closer as I lifted my mask to make sure I scent him correctly. 'Alright. I might get scolded or shit by this, but screw it. Thank me later' and I started to run using my zombae speed. The others didn't noticed me run off towards the burning catastrophe yet until I heard Jeff yelled at me to stop.

"Sasiah! No!" But I didn't stopped. The others, starting to notice what I'm doing gasped as they keep calling my name.

I'm probably out of their view as I near the chain linked fence and found an opening as I went in. I lifted my mask to scent whoever's still alive and not infected. The smoke and blood not helping at all. I sighed in irritation and start to jog around until I heard a small whimper and a voice of a woman.

"Eve, I'm scared! W-where's dad?" A little voice croaked. I tested(is that a word?) the air once again, faint, but its there.

"Its okay Avy, w-we'll get through this" the other coughed, this must've been Eve and the child is Avy, 'a'righty, rescue mission, begin!'. I thought as I ran inside a burning house. The front door is blocked by a burning wood and fallen pillars of something that I do not know, I circled around to find a backdoor. I found one open and safe to go through.

The backdoor is located on what I assume the kitchen. I lift my nose to smell at least three zombies and two uninjured nor bitten humans. I ran around the obstacle of fire and glass shards. I found the zombies banging and scratching a door. 'Tsk, doesn't these guys know not to trap yourself inside a gaddang bathroom?!? Newbs!(noobs)' I growled inside my head. These people are as mindless as these undead creatures! I shake my head at their foolishness as I attacked the three oblivious zombies. It was a bit difficult because of them being a lot bigger than me, but I managed. And with a huff of exasperation, I knocked on the door. No answer. I tried to jiggle open the door knob but its locked.

"Oh for fucks sake, open the gaddang door! I didn't come here to save idiots who got themselves cornered in a bathroom only to not even respond to me!" I yelled in irritation. Still no response.

"Grr...fuck it!" I cursed as I took my scissors and stabbed it as hard as I could on the door, successfully breaking it. They screamed as I put my hand in the hole to unlock the door until a hot sharp metal stabbed my hand as I hissed but kept unlocking the door and opened it.

"Get the hell ou—woah! Jesus Christ! Calm down woman!" I said as the older female tried to sloppily attack me. I huffed as I took the knife away from her with my bloody hand and slapped her across the face.

"Look, if you wanna live and see Gordon and the others with that kid, you better stop struggling before I lose it, and kill" I threatened. She looked at me in disbelief as I took the crying child's hand and drag the older one out. I couldn't scent anyone else so we ran, avoiding busy zombies eating on a human carcass.

We got out of the stronghold unharmed.. Well except for me. My left hand is bleeding a lot but good thing I already have a bandage around it. I just need to replace the bandage because it got torned by the knife. I look behind us to see no mindless creatures following.

We walked until we're on a sight distance where the group could see us. It took a while but we got near the group as they enveloped the two in a hug, I dodged them because I don't want my blood to be smeared on them in case they have open small cuts or anything of some sort and went inside the truck box in relief. I can hear them talking because of my improved hearing but tuned them out as my hand throbbed in pain.

I went to my bag and found my roll of bandage gauges and unwrapped the one on my bleeding hand. The wound is so big that it almost went to my wrist. I wrapped a new and clean gauge on it making sure its thick enough that it wouldn't seep through and didn't even bothered cleaning it because I can't have infections or anything of the sort. I took the bloody bandage away and dumped it outside to make sure no human can touch it. I went back inside to find them already in there waiting for me. And here I am, trying to clean after myself, trying to go get my bag to finally run off but noooo. Guess that's not happening today. I grumbled curses under my breath. 'Screw my undead life'.

The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now