Chapter 9

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Sasiah's POV

Silence. Everything is silent other than the constant rumbling of the truck's engine, begging for a break. Its been days. Two to be precise. We'd only stop for short breaks and we're starting to run low on gas. We've re-grouped with Gord's bro bro and miss radioactive pink head the other day.

This time, once we take our break, I'm running away from them. Let them think that some meat eating predators got me and just head home. I'm still taking the cats. They're the only family I have left.

The kid, Avy, suddenly caught a fever three hours ago. Ms bitch seems concerned. We don't have enough supplies either and we haven't come across any drug store so we'll have to go and get inside the small hospital we found earlier.

But we will have to go back to the town we passed by and scavenge some stuff that wasn't already taken. We've also thrown out some of the food we got in that small store since its gotten expired. Good thing I got all the chips and junkfood that I want since those are pretty rare now.

"Avy's fever is getting too high up, we don't want that, let's just go before the sun goes down and get as much as possible" Chris told the others as they nodded.

"Sasha, Eve, Jeff and Chloe can stay in the truck with Avy" he continued

"Its 'Sasiah', Chris" Gordon corrected as I raise a brow even though they won't see, but I was still amused nonetheless

"Ehh same thing" Chris roled his eyes. 'I swear, what's with all the rude people?'

"Enough chitchat, let's go ye morons..oh, and Everynn, don't piss that child with the mask, they pack a punch and skill, just saying. Cuz we won't be there to stop them if ye ever piss them off. Ye'd be dead where ye stand" Lizzy told Eve. 'Huh, so her full name is Everynn? Unique, but it doesn't suit her. She's too...rude..not even sassy, just completely rude. She's like a small chipmunk annoying a hawk that can literally snatch her and play with her life. Or..just drop her off a like fifteen meters above ground. Should be enough to kill them..or break a few bones and organs. Doesn't matter, who cares? As a hawk, I wouldn't eat that chipmunk. It'd be too salty.' I thought.

"Tsk, a brat's not enough to kill me, heck, can she even reach me—" she stopped talking as she realized that something sharp whizzed pass her head. It was Jeff's pen that I borrowed to write on his binder to 'talk' with them.

"YOU ALMOST HIT ME YOU FREAK" she yelled at me. Bitch

"That's the point. I meant to give you a fair warning. So don't be bitchin at me with your little shitty attitude miss" I heard Chris, Chloe and Lizzy saying 'Oooooohhh' in the background.

"Alright, enough you two. And Sasiah, please stop with the profanities. You're too young for that" Gordon sighed while I snickered at his assumptions.

"A-and please refrain yourself f-from killing my s-sis Sas" Jeff stuttered, worried for the safety of his twin sister. Tbh, they don't look alike at all, but they are definitely the opposites.

I shrugged as if to say no promises while the evil bi-Eve I mean, busied herself by taking care of the kid. And by that, I meant playing around her hair. #Nursing101 I rolled my eyes.

We parked at the hill, cuz the place we are in are literally a desserted mesa biome thing where everything is made out of terracotta and a bit of a orangey reddish colored sand. So basically, in the middle if nowhere.

They packed their guns and some melee weapons like bats, a swiss knife and a batton. They left the truck box but before Gordon walk off, he gave me a look to say take care of them and don't kill her and I nodded making sure he saw my fingers are crossed as he shook his head and sighed.

They finally left as I followed them with my eyes. 'Might as well be useful' I thought as I quickly grabbed a sniper on the side.

"Where do you think you're going with that?" Eve started, miss radioactive pink head kept silent though.

"Getting myself useful, I will watch out for their back..miss Chloe, mind if you watch my back and tell me if there's danger lurking nearby? I grabbed the walkie talkie already so I could speak to them" she nodded and smiled and followed me outside the truck box. I swear, I'm getting more talkative. But at least not as much and I only talk when I needed to.

I positioned myself as I lay down on my stummy and looked through the scope. I can see them jogging and beat some normal zombies in the way. There wasn't much but from a distance, I can see a runner that spotted Chris. And a horde of at least ten zombos and so I spoke through the WT.

"A runner spotted Chris and there's about a horde of ten zombies on the north east of where you guys are, over" there was a bit of static first and I saw Gordon call for Chris cuz he's wandering a bit far from the group.

"That's too many, we can't use guns either or we'll attract more, over" Gordon's voice whispered.

"We're a bit too far away for them to hear, I can shoot some of them, over" I readied the gun as I aimed at the runner who is coming closer to them.

"Please do"

"Right. Copy that" and I fired. I was able to shoot it right at the head as I felt miss radioactive pink head sudden look at me as I fired. The gun wasn't so loud, and that says a lot coming from me.

I shot more zombies as the group ran and head towards the hospital. They got inside as someone harshly yanked me to face them as I stiffed a low growl.

"What the fuck are you doing?!? Do you want us to get killed?" She yelled

"I'm fine with you dying, but the others needed my help. And that I am being useful. Calm your tits woman. We're too far away and this sniper isn't even that loud, and that's a lot coming from me since I have sensitive ears. So go back inside and stop yelling. You're freaking louder than this gun." I scoffed and went back to my position.

I pressed the button by the side of the WT to talk to them again when suddenly

"Got 'em, how you guys there insi— ah! Fuck!" Okay, now I'm pissed. She freaking kicked me! And how dare she look at me with such disgust in her eyes?!? Bitch I should be the one giving you that! Chloe was shocked and yelled at her for kicking me.

"Sasiah you okay?!? What happened?" Gordon's voice spoke through the WT as I growled at her as I gripped my sides in pain, tears were on the brim of falling.

"No, I am NOT okay. I freaking got kicked by this bitch! Oh she's fucking asking for it..." I growled as I slowly stood up. I'm fucking furious and fed up by this fucker. I'll show you, you freaking bully. Anger laced my voice as I approached her. She looked confident and nervous. Chloe did nothing on the side and watched us.

"What a tattler, so what are you gonna do abou—" I kicked her in the stomach before she could even finish her sentence. 'Oh they're gonna need a lot of medical supplies after I'm done with her'.

"Oh you guys are going to need a lot of medical supplies" I said as I dropped the WT and walked towards the hunched up woman on the ground coughing up like shit.

"Bitch, you've fed me enough bullshit for the past days...and I'm gonna throw them back up at you" I cracked my knuckles as I kicked her on the stomach and knelt down on her, pinning down her knees as she struggled and coughed.

                  'LeT thE FuN BegIn'

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