Chapter 2

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Sasiah's POV

"Sasiah huh, that's pretty neat. Anyway, come on we must hurry, the common zombies might be slow, but there could be an attacker right around the corners or one of those zombies that's clever enough to put at least a dent on our skin or worse, kill us." Gordon said, suddenly, a loud honk was heard with a rush of loud engines that made me jump from my sitting position as I dropped the two items from my shaking hands.

"Uurgghh...blemmin heck Lizzy, you scared the little guy! And do you want us to get killed?!?" Chris finally spoke to the brunette as 'Lizzy' rolled her eyes.

"Just shut yer trap and get in 'lready, ye have a servivor and that's what matters. Change of plan, Drake, Josh 'nd Chloe would be scavenging some grub and stuff while WE lure the braindead sacks of meat away so get yer ass inside, now!" She ordered just as a horde of zombies came slowly running? Jogging? Towards us with several runners and attackers in tow.

"Crap, alright, get in, get in! Quick!" Gordon quickly said as the others went inside of the back truck. He looked down on me as he suddenly carried me like how you would carry a toddler and took the binder and pen and ran inside. 'Huh, how long has it been when I got carried by someone? I forgot how nice it is at the same time scare the crap outta me' I thought.

"Its alright kid, we got you" He said reassuringly. 'Suuuuure, wonder if you would say the same when you realize what I am'.

"Hey, who's the kid?" Lizzy said as she glanced at the rear mirror that shows us in the back from a small sliding hole as she spoke this..err..accent. Those of the cowboys I think, or in this case, a cowgirl.

"Their name is Sasiah" Jeff told her.

"Where are your parents kid?" Chris asked. I look directly at him through the hole of my mask that is covered in black thin cloth.

"How insensitive can you be?!? Why would you think that we found them all alone in that house ya dipshit?!?" Gordon smacked him upside down his head as I took my backpack off my back and released the two suffocating cats. They meowed as they jump off the back shaking theirselves off, I petted their back as an apology as the two men bickered.

"So...are you a he or a she? Please don't take it personally! I was just wondering because I can't really tell with your outfit" Jeff said as the other three looked at me and I look back to them. Gordon gave me back the binder and the pen.

"I hope you don't mind if I said that I'd rather not be either. But I'm mostly one of the two. Also, I don't mind what you said Mr. Chris. Tho I'm pretty sure that it was obvious" I wrote. Chris just bowed his head and said sorry as I nodded ever so slightly in response.

"Err..." Lizzy said as she glanced at us again, she wasn't able to read the note nor hear me either so Jeff was the one to speak.

"They said that they don't want to be classified as either" she gave him an odd look but kept driving. As we go, she spoke,

"So...are they mute?" The three looked at me as Gordon kept silent beside Chris.

"W-we don't know, are you?" Jeff fidgeted in his seat as he felt uncomfortable with the question as he asked me.

"Selective would be the term I would use" I wrote. It was silent for a minute until the truck suddenly got attacked as it wobbled for control, I lost my balance from my seat as I got thrown across the small room like nothing, I caught the cats as they went flying with me. The others were sliding on the floor as I hit my head on the seat as it made a loud sound from the impact.

"Sasiah! Are you okay?!?" Gordon panicked as he wrapped me around his muscled arms, his 30 plus years old body around my small 14 one, I swear, as a zombie, my growth has gotten slower, I'm 17 in a 14 years old body. 'what's with his protective father-like attitude? He just met me!'

The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now