Chapter 3

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Sasiah's POV

Lizzy stopped driving for a break now that I learned all of their names. We stopped in the middle of a highway just outside the city. I fed my cats as the 'grown-ups' went outside for some fresh air. I stayed inside because I'm not risking it for meat biscuit okay? They started to eat lunch and asked me to join them, I politely shaked my head no as I put out my chocolate filled croissant and ate it in silence, not that I'm gonna speak in the first place. The radio that Gordon have, made a sound as a woman's voice came through.

"Gord ya in there? Over" he picked it up from his radio pocket that is around his belt.

"Yea Chloe, I'm here, over" he swallowed his food.

"Ah good. We're going back with supplies, is the survivor with you? Over" 'Chloe' replied. He looked at me and then spoke.

"Yes, they're with us. Their name is Sasiah and they're all alone with two cats. Over" 'why do they have to say 'over' over and over again? Pff that's funny lol'

"I see, well, we're coming back, where are you guys at? Over" 'man, she just ask a lot huh'

"Ehh...main road out of the city, we took the route that's opposite to the one we used to get in. Over"

"Right. Copy that, Over and Out" after that was said, he put it back to his holder. I finished eating, not that it matters cuz I don't really need to eat much, its just for satisfaction and taste, kind of like when you're bored and just eat whatever appetizing food you have for amusement's sake. We waited there for the others to come but I wanna make time go faster by sleeping, so I tried to sleep.




'Okay, this isn't working' I sighed. I took my bag and tried to use it as a pillow, but apparently, there we're residents inside and protested to leave them at peace. I sighed once again. 'Damn this cats' I thought as I banged my head on the seat as I was sitting on the floor.

"Uhhh...what are you doing?" Gordon asked me from behind. I motioned to him about me sleeping then pointing at the bag full of two cats who just swiped at my bandaged hands as he chuckled.

" can sleep with me and use me as a pillow if you want" He said as he sits down beside me, me following his movements, then I pointed to my mask and hood. It didn't took long for him to realize what I was trying to say.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna take those off, I won't let the others either." He said as he smiled at me. I put my hand to my chin as I look down a bit thinking. Then I reached out to him with my pinkie finger and tilted my head. He looked at my small hands as he wrapped his bigger pinkie to mine and said.

"Pinkie promise" I nodded satisfied but still a little hesitant at the bold action I'm doing as I layed down his lap, him resting his arm on my arm as I was laying on my side facing his stummy. Look, don't ask. Its stomach and tummy combined. Shuddap. I curled myself into a ball as I let myself drift off to sleep.

Gordon's POV(ya didn't expect that huh? >:D probably did <.<)

I watched her fall asleep on my lap. Not in a creepy way of course. You're probably asking, 'did you just call them a 'her/she'? How would you be so sure?'. I once had a daughter and son, I can tell the difference. Plus her hair when I moved her hood, but I'm gonna respect her wish about being neither. It must've taken a lot of courage and self control to let herself calm down and even sleep on my lap just because she was uncomfortable and her cats being a pussy. I chuckled mentally. 'Heh good one'. She acted so different when we first met her. Scared and running for her and the Cats' life. She sat there frozen as we cornered her. Christopher being as rude as ever to her but she easily shrugged them off. 'Huh, wonder what happened to her hands? They're covered in thick gauge. Did she hurt herself? She said that she have a skin disorder. Maybe its that? I'm worried for this kid'.

"Oh hey—"

"Shhh!" I shushed the brunette as she rolled her eyes. I swear, with that habit of hers, they would literally just pop out of her sockets.

"Alright! geez! They really clung onto you huh? I remembered when he passed away.." She whispered. I looked down to the sleeping child on my lap sadly.

"You really have to remind me huh..." I replied bitterly. But she doesn't seem fazed.

"Just don't blame yerself, it wasn't yer fault, it was those stupid zombies. Just take it easy okay? We'll always be right behind ye bud" she smiled as she went back out. I sighed as I contemplated about sleeping as well, but I have to be alert. Without even noticing it, I fell asleep with this witty and silent child on my lap.

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