Chapter 24(WIP draft)

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Quick author's note! Thank you for the people who still read this! I've been busy with school now that I'm a senior and it wasn't really easy to say the least. But good news is, I've been reading and watching stuff to help me motivate myself onto continuing this! :3 so right now, I'm doing this based off of what I remember and the last chap that I've read. Anyway, enough of me talking, have fun with the chap! And yes, this shit of a book is back!! X3


Lizzie's POV

I've taken a time out from the REAL brat of this group and went out for air and climbed to the roof of the building to let off some steam and cool down.

Honestly, t'wasn't me to just blow like that, but I just got fed up after hearin em talk shit about the kid.

Poor kid survived out there on their own with no one with them for who knows how long, scared shitless when we found em, not even darin to move as much and doesn't even join us for food when we first met them.

And yet when she saved that good for nothin wench, they got treated poorly, kid lost one of their only companion and was mocked in return.

I don't understand why she'd be like that. Everynn was a quiet obedient girl who takes care of Avy and ----. Was kind and sweet too, what happened before that fire?

I huffed. Still, that was no excuse for their behavior and I'm sick of it.

The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon