Chapter 14

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Sasiah's POV

I sat inside the truck, emotionally drained. I want to sleep but my body won't let me and its the most irritating thing ever. Eevee is still mourning and meowing sadly beside me as I gently pet her fur.

I heard Gordon ask Lizzy as to what happened and Lizzy explained everything for me.

"Poor guy, that must've been tragic for them." I heard Jeff say.

"Pff, its just a cat" ms. Bitch stated. At tha point, my anger level flaired up to the roof.

"Everynn Mcree, that is so insensitive of you! They have lost one of the only family they have! That's just..unacceptable! I have enough of your bullying towards them! You have been picking on a child!" Jeff snapped, I turn my gaze to look at them to see their shocked faces from his outburst.

"Did...did you just yelled at me!? They're a stranger! I'm your sister! And you're defen—" I heard her argue, but I stopped listening

'Pff, its just a cat'

'its just a cat'

'just a cat'

Her words echoed in my mind. I was furious, I'm so mad that the atmosphere from inside the truck started to crawl out.

The feeling of dread and anger, put shame on what they call hell.

I felt them stop and looked at me. I am beyond furious. I can feel my eyes glowing brightly through the cloth and eyeholes on my mask.

I can feel their fear and hear her shaking.

I sat there motionless as Eevee ran far back to the corner.

"Everynn, what have you done.." Chris whispered as I felt his fearful gaze on me.

I slowly lift my head up to stare and glare daggers at her as she flinched and scooted back.

"JuSt.A.cA†..." I stated coldly. Right now, she is just frozen on the ground in the same state as the others.

"j US † a C a T!?!?!?" In this moment I lunged at her as she screamed and started hyperventilating and crying as I kept a firm grip on her throat.

"PaTheTIc, yOU cRy oVEr t hI s!? O h wa iT, I kno ww hY.." I chuckled darkly as I gripped harder but not hard enough to break her neck and give her mercy kill. No. I'll. Fucking. Break. Her.

The others stood there in shock. Not being able to move from my very deadly aura as I used the dread to make them frozen in fear.

"I h Av 3 sA vEd YoU R bUr nI nG a S s, a nD a lL y o U dI D w A s † 0 bE a N uN g Ra T 3f UL bI T cH AnD I a M d O nE eA TiN G y o Ur b UlL s H iT. Yo U h Av E c Ro sSE d tHe LiNe. An D i Swe aR t O Sa T a N, I W i l L. Br E a K. Y oU r. S o rR y. As S. M aR k. mY. W oR D. E v Ery Nn, mA R k. m Y. W o Rd." I threatened as I felt my tears fall down to her face as I was on top of her.

I stood up and my tears went down and so now, it looked like I'm crying through my mask which I am because of my position earlier.

She passed down from the lack of air as I went towards the truck and got my bag with Eevee.

The others are still paralized from my outburst. And they sure as heck now know that I'm one of the undead that have a burning grudge towards one of their member.

I walk towards Gordon as he flinched.

I have put something on his pocket quickly before walking off towards back home.

It'll be a long journey by foot, and I will meet a few challengers, but I will persevere. I need to find a stronghold near my city to drop off Eevee for someone to take care of.

After I make sure she gets settled in to her home...lets just say

               "Shit's about to go down"

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