Chapter 20

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Sasiah's POV

I dragged Jeff towards a house and made sure no one is in there.

"It'll be weird and hazy once you turn, you'll feel like puking while at the same time your body will ache like crazy. It won't last long. Now, I have to go get you something and lock you in this room"  I quietly told him.

"Thanks. H-hey... I didn't know you were a girl" he slightly smiled.

"Don't get any ideas" I humored

"N-no! N-not at a-all!" He stuttered shaking his head and waving his hand furiously.

I chuckled before closing the door

"I'll be leaving now, I'll come back later." I heard a small 'be careful' before walking down the stairs and out the door.

'May as well hunt for my self. It's been a while. But where the fuck would I find something to hunt down that's not a bird or a pigeon?' I tested the air to see if I can locate something.

Mice, no. Small birds, no. Cats, oh hell no.

Welp, I guess I'd have to get out of town. I wonder what's going on with that group. Oh well, I can easily track them down once again.

And with that, I started to run towards a cooler place, a few runners and zombies following thinking I'm chasing a possible food. 'Do they even think?'

I stopped once again to test the air. Nothing. So I started running.

I ended up in what seems to be a park with a huge pond in it. There!

I saw a big enough fish. Urgh, I wouldn't want that fishy blood though. I'll have to cook it but I need to find a suitable blood donor.

I saw squirels and racoons runnin around, hidin in the bushes.

At this point, the sun has gone down and its getting darker. Well, not for me.

I heard a growl of an attacker. It doesn't seem happy that I intruded on its hunting ground. But who dis bitch growlin at huh!?

I growled back but in a much menacing way as I stood tall like a proud mannequin I am, showing off such gorgeous clothes and jewels.

The attacker doesn't seem to know better as it lunged at me sloppily. I side stepped as I caught its neck and slammed it harshly on the ground.

I snarled at it as it tried to get out of my grasp. I tightened my grip on its neck until I heard a snap and it fell limp.

Now back to my mission. Actually, wait. Now that I look back to the dead attacker by my feet, I saw a collar with a tag.

The color of it seemed to fade away from all the grime and dirt on it but I can tell that it was once red.

I crouched down to look at the tag. 'Lovely'. What a cute name. With the structure of the said creature along with it's long dirtied patches of fur that was probably once golden, you would know that it was a golden retriever.

I'm not that much of a fan when it comes to dogs seeing as I was laid back and is way too lazy for energetic dogs that runs around. But I don't hate them either. I think they're cute and lovable.

But with all of those dog deaths on movies, I kinda don't want to get attached to one since everytime that kind of movie goes on, its me crying in the end with a bunch of tissues on the floor, a blanket covering me, and a bunch of random food on the floor. That is when I was a human.

Emotions are hard to feel once you turn but the personality stays strong.

Enough dilly dallying, I've managed to dug a hole and bury the dog and placed rocks around it to know its there.

It was quiet for a few minutes until I heard a distant bark. I was confused until I turned around and saw a faint outline of a golden dog with these weird wisps around it as if you put those shampoo thingies on water and it does this weird glitter wisps swirling around.

It barked at me one more time with its tail wagging then it turned around to run into a what seemed to be a little boy and a little girl with their father? I believe, behind them and disappeared into thin air.

"Uhhhhhhh..... You're.. Welcome..? Wtf" I stammered.

That event made me shiver while at the same time feel warm in my chest. I feel like I'm in a cliché movie.. Or story, I'm not picky.

Now seriously, back to main goal. Uninfected animal blood!!!

I saw a rabbit hoppin away as it chew on some grass.

I quickly snatched it as it suddenly went limp. Probably from heart attack, oh you poor thing.

I tore its skin to take out the fur and quickly drank its blood before it drip.

Whoo! That's refreshing. I could go for another one, but someone might need it more.

Damn it Jeff, why do you have to be dumbly soft and get bitten!? Now I have to take care of you, you should've let that bitch get eaten alive. I'd enjoy her scream of pain better to be honest. You would've done all of us good if you weren't being such a hero.

Tsk, now I'd have to hunt for you like a mama wolf to her pups.

But I wanted those rabbits :(

I cought three now and I still have the other one.

I'm making stew after dis, and he aint havin any, hmph!


Short one for now, wonder if our wittle Jeffy will survive muahahahah *cough* *cough*

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