Chapter 8

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Sasiah's POV

I glared at the woman that had caused me my pain as I jumped inside the box, Gordon finally noticing me as he enveloped me in a hug and started scolding me.

"Sasiah! What were you thinking?! You could've died there! Even though I'm thankful that you managed to bring back the two, you could've.. could've been..." I sighed in irritation as I brushed him off, my mood worsening to this female's glare, how dare she glare at me when I just saved her skin to those flesh eating critters?!? Bitch you wanna go?!?

"I didn't. You've seen me living on my own next to a stronghold that got overrun two years ago. I may look like a helpless child, but that perspective of yours is wrong. I appreciate your concern, but really, when you guys were having zombie lessons, did these two not listen? Cuz their choice of room to hide in is definitely not the safest. Heck, its not safe at all." My voice is strong and clear this time as I talk through gritted teeth and turned my head towards 'Eve' as she scoffed.

"Its the safest we can get through those burning debrees, and besides that, there's three zombies hot on our back, what do you expect?" She huffed as she crossed her arms.

"I expected you to use your brain, seems like you have none" I lowly retorted as she gasped. Everyone is just standing/sitting there awkwardy as we fought.

"You do know that you can outsmart those mindless walking meatsacks, and not only that, you could've outrun them. Even that kid would be able to. Its only a matter of time before those three break the hinges of that door and for the ceiling on top of you to fall, burning you to ashes. Either way, if I wasn't there, you're nothing but a burning corpse or zombie food. And the painful slow death of that child would be your fault. Either way, your actions was foolish that put zombies to shame." I coldly retorted as I went to the unoccupied side of the truck box away from her as she opened her mouth and shut them close as she looked defeated. 'That's what I thought' and rolled my eyes.

My hand throbbing in pain as I winced when the truck would hit pot holes and small rocks. Good thing I had my mask on. 'Joy oh joy' my sarcasm started. I tried to amuse myself as I look around.

Lizzy is sleeping, Chris is the one that's driving since he's in better condition than Jeff, its his shift now anyways. The bitch on a corner with Jeff on her side, Avy sleeping on Gordon's lap as he hugged her, the small holes on the box's ceiling from that creeper attack, the cats dozing off in my bag as usual...err what, nothing that doesn't seem out of place. I shrugged mentally when we suddenly hit a deep hole that made all of us jump from our seats.

Lizzy banged her head on the seat she's laying in as she jolted awake, I would've found that funny but right now, I banged my injured hand on the floor as I hiss in pain. People didn't seem to notice as Lizzy tried to go back to sleep muttering curses under her breath. 'Good, I don't need people worrying on this wound and touching it, it'll only make it worse' I thought as I shake my head.

It's midnight now as we finally stopped at a lone store. Its secure and have a lot of supplies. It looked like no one was able to go in here for we are literally in the middle of nowhere. There's also a gasoline station outside the mini store. The inside were clean. And by that, I meant bloodless. This place haven't been touched for a long time and things were about to expire.

It would be expired after a month, but hey, that's not that bad. The meat on the freezer though is starting to have mold and there's a lot of maggots crawling on them. I chose to stay away from it. My fear of bugs or anykind of insect and dolls never left my brain even after I turned.

I looked around and tried to scavenge as much wanted food as I can. Plus, I'll also have to feed these cats.

I went around to find a can of tuna as I reached for it. Another hand found its way to the can, I looked up to see ms. Bitch giving me a dirty look. I let go of the can to let her have it. I'll just find other stuff. She huffed.

"You can have it, I don't want your germs" oh boy.. I went to go and take the can but she snatched it from me. 'What the?! Oh this bitch is looking for it!' I tried to control my temper as she have a shit eating grin on her face.

"On the side note, I wouldn't want to waste food." I sighed. Anger starting to bubble up.

"Y'know what? You're right. I wouldn't want to waste food either. I wouldn't mind wasting you tho, you aren't as important as the food." And with that, I left her on that isle as her face is fuming red.

I took some potato chips and started to munch on it while I took a few and store them in my bag. My bag is quite big so it was able to store all of that food in. I heard familiar stomping as she exited the isle and went towards Gordon and whisper harshly on him. I was able to still hear them tho.

"That brat needs to be left behind! They're gonna be nothing but a burden to us!" She said through gritted teeth. Gordon looked displeased.

"They saved your life and you're nothing but rude towards them. You aren't like this, what happened to you." He said as he shook his head.

"Me? Rude? Oh please. They're nothing but a disrespectful brat who likes to answer back to those who's older than them. Heck, they even slapped me!" 'And you stabbed me you piece of shit.'.

Gordon just kept his cold and hard stare at her.

"They also need respect, and I don't believe that they slapped you for no reason. You're being irrational. Go and rest" and with that, ms. Bitch stomped off with a look of pure hatred.

I sighed. I'm already starting to feel homesick. I wanna go home. I turned my head to look at my cats that is sleeping peacefully at my side. I miss everything that I was taken away from. 'I miss home'. And with that last thought. I drifted to sleep.

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