Chapter 6

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Sasiah's POV long are we gonna stay on the road!? This is bullshit, how far is their stronghold anyway that we've been traveling for one and a half day? Me getting impatient understatement. I'm itching to run out of here and eat something raw with an exeption of raw chicken and human flesh. Its like you're having a HUGE craving and its right there, but you can't have it because its owned by someone else or something in that fashion and its dangerously irritating me.

I shuffled around my bag to see if I have any packed meat or canned ones but found nothing. I sighed and went back to my original sitting position as Gordon finally let me go earlier.

"What's wrong Sasiah? You've been fidgeting a lot lately, are you okay?" I winced at the name that I was being called 'gosh, I forgot I named myself that, its weird to hear it from someone rather than reading an x reader in wattpad, this is so cringey' I looked up at him from my place as he tilted his head in a questioning manner. I shook my head to say 'no' and point at the part of my mask where my mouth should be and patted my stummy. It took him for a moment to process what I was trying to say before he started to talk.

"Oh! You're hungry aren't you?" 'Well..not necessarily for human food but eh, it'll keep me distracted' I shrugged mentally and nodded at him. His face lit up as he guessed my actions semi right and went to his backpack on the very side corner where Gordon sat.

He went back to me as he dragged his backpack with him with an expression I couldn't describe.

"Uhm..I don't know what food you prefer so can just look at them yourself and take whatever you want" he said as he scratched the back of his neck. I nodded and looked in his bag as I instantly spotted a chocolate and took it in a swift motion. He was suprised at the sudden action but chuckled afterwards.

Hmm..let's see..he has bread loafs, a small plastic jar of candies, some apple slices in a ziplock inside a container, water bottles, and cans of soda. I took the apple slices and a can of soda. And nodded at him before saying 'thank you'. He seemed to be taken back by the action and stuttered

"Y-y-you're welc-come!" And smiled and fanboyed in a corner. Chris is sleeping thus whole time. I took the apple slices first, I didn't feel comfortable eating on the floor so I crawled to Gordon and sat on him lap. He sent me a questioning look but it seems like I didn't bothered him as much. I pushed my mask ever so slightly so I can eat properly. I took a piece of the crunchy and juicy fruit and put it on my mouth biting the end of it and took another piece and offered it to Gordon. He took the fruit and smiled at me before eating it in one bite while I kept on munching mine.

Its been hours. The apple is gone and I'm now munching on the chocolate that I now discovered were are hard as a rock. Jeff and Lizzy exchanged places as he was the one driving now. Chris woke up a few minutes ago and now these three are sending me an amused look as they watch me struggle eating the chocolate. 'What the fuck is this thing made off?!? I can literally throw this to a zombie's head and knock it off unconcious! This chocolate is lucky that it tastes awesome or I would've thrown it to someone in irritation' I grumbled as I keep on biting on the same spot.

"The hell is that made off? You've been biting at that same spot an hour ago and it wouldn't even budge" Chris chuckled. I ignored him as I kept biting the foul item that resembles my favorite food in anger.

"Now, now, ye wouldn't wanna anger this fella further or they be bitin ya instead" Lizzy snickered. Chris rolled his eyes playfully at the woman.

"I can see the stronghold from here now!" Jeff happily said. I'm almost in the process of tearing up and crying in spite of the taunting chocolate.

"You better speed up then before little Sasiah here cries because of the rock hard chocolate you gave he—them" Gordon sighed. 'Nice save bud, nice saaave' I thought sarcastically as the two distracted humans looked at me and didn't noticed Gords slip up.

"Are you really?" Chris looked at me as I sniffed and a tear slipped and they saw that. 'Bloody chocolate'

"Oh shiii–iip, yep, uhhh" he said awkwardly. I. Am. So. Mad. And of course, the cats don't give a shit.

Sorry if its short for now, I'm just writing this just before school starts and I'm running out of time, but almost a hundred reads?!? Thanks guys! ★v★

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