Chapter 5

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Sasiah's POV

'Huh...its weird to hear my voice above audible whisper..its been so long since I talked so properly other than me murmuring stuff to the cats' I thought as my voice were cracked and sounded dry. I can barely remember how I sound with my voice in full sentence. I went out of my trance as I noticed four set of wide eyes on me in complete shock. The first one to speak was Lizzy as she shook her head.

"And 'ere I thought that the lass was mute" I looked at her but didn't reply, I didn't like how my voice cracked. It made me sound weak and I ain't tolerating that. Other than that, I have nowhere to write on. 'If these goons still think that I'm human, I'm gonna have to build an act. I maybe powerful, but there are six of them with full on weapons and I only have my agility, strength, and sharp claws. Before long, I would fall into the inevitable. Until they go back to their stronghold and leave me alone, I can quietly sneak out of there and go back here, I wouldn't have problems with tiring either for some reason. But their presence is triggering me and I just wanna attack them. But my human mind digressed as it already know the free falling we're under.' I grumbled irritably under my breath for the 'options' that I have and their effects.

"Let's go back, there could be more potential threat out here waiting for an ambush" Gordon said as he tried to beckon the others to follow suit, including me. 'Ohhhh joy' I thought sarcastically.

"How...did you do those stunts earlier?" Drake suddenly spoke. The others glanced at me as well. But I didn't reply other than a single shrug with a bit of sign language. He instantly shut up. 'Lol thought so'.

We were walking quite a while and I'm starting to get bored and uneasy from the awkward quiet walk as I yawned loudly enough to hear and let myself sway a bit. I wonder how these humans could see in the dark without any zombie eye improvisation, using the small light from the moon to guide them. Gordon stopped walking as he turned to face me. He crouched down since I barely reach his diaphragm and offered to give me a ride.

"Tired?" He simply asked. I shifted my body language to a 'tired' hesitation. Hey, he didn't fulfill his promise earlier. 'Screw it, this could be the only time that I'll be having free hugs and rides in my condition, I'm making the best of it. I'll probably regret this but..YOLO' I slowly walked towards him, the others trying to ignore our little get-along thing. I hugged his neck as I hung my head on his chest and changed the pace of my breathing to make them think that I instantly fell a sleep as he wrap around his arms on me to support my light weight and gently stood up.

"Aaawwwwwwhhh" I heard Jeff's hushed lil fanboying.

"Well, I'll admit, that looked cute if only the both of you aren't soaked in blood" Drake's quiet voice commented.

"Mm..agreed" Lizzy's voice cutted in agreement. 'How dare they call this monstrosity cute?!?' I listened as they silently walk while I 'sleep'. I opened my eyes as I scan the trees. They wouldn't be able to know if I'm awake or not because of my mask.

I don't really have my own sleeping preference. I just sleep if I can, or I'm really bored. Even as a human, I shamelessly sleep in class. So here's a little info about me as a zombie. My kind is called Mannequins because of our skin color and we prefer to be inside a building. When the feral one spots its prey, they'll stop moving. Like those in a horror movie, if you don't look at them, they'll silently head towards you then stop if you looked at the directly and then go, until it is too late. You could mistake us as a real mannequin since as we ambush prey, we stand tall unlike the other zombies that usually crouch. Its actually quite Ironic since I hated dolls and mannequins, they just creep the shit outta me. The best way to kill us is probably by burning us with fire. We may burn through bright and warm light, but we'll be able to regenerate very slowly and wouldn't die to that. If humans were sadistic and found a Mannequin, they'll cage one right in the open where the sun could shine and torture them.

Anyway, back to the present. We got back to the truck. I resisted the urge to growl as my mask prevented me to scent the people this truck is occupying. 'If that bitch is still in here and try to take off my mask again, I'll be sitting on the front with Lizzy on the passenger seat' I shifted on my position as I got tense but kept my act.

"Shhh.." Gordon probably noticed my tensed body as I shifted a bit and thought that I'm having a nightmare and rubbed my back to soothe me. Or at least, tried to. 'Heck why not, I always had a knack of roleplaying as a child in the internet, I just have to do it irl' I thought as I shifted more and clung to his shirt and whimpered as I kept my act.

"Hey its okay..shhh" I stopped whimpering and shifting as I tried to make myself relaxed as if the nightmare is gone but he kept comforting me. 'Huh, he could've woken me up, why didn't he?' now that I realized, he kept being nice to me even if its a bit of a stretch since I clearly do not look like a five years old. But his actions were kind and sencere. Wonder why's that? I also realized that he took off my backpack so it wouldn't weigh me down. Not that it does, I can literally hold up a small car and carry it for fifteen minutes since I'm only small and is not as big as the others. Everything was quiet other than Gordon comforting me, I heard Lizzy start the truck and I felt it moving until we're on a full speed, they probably want to get back to their stronghold as soon as they can since they have a survivor with them. I can hear another vehicle behind the truck we're in, probably where the two is. And with that, I actually relaxed and doze off in Gordon's arms.

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