Chapter 12

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Sasiah's POV

Un..believable... Its been a week and who knows what! I've been travelling further from my home! I have been planning to go and run off and here I am! Still! On the freaking truck! I'm surprised that it lasted this long, they sure have a lot of gas. But what the heck am I supposed to do!? I haven't have any meat or animal blood in days! And I'm getting more irritable as the days continue on! Urgh!

That kid Avy, her fever went away the day before yesterday and is now walking around the truck and its annoying the shit out of me.

"Hi! I didn't get to meet you properly! I'm Avy Gaille! What's your name?" She went literally towards my face but I didn't respond hoping she would go away before I break her neck.

"Helloooo? Are you awake? Why do you have a mask anyway? Why is your hood always up even when there's no sun or rain? Are you dead?" She waves a hand in front of me. 'Greeeeeeeaaaaat another questioholic. Let me out already' I thought as I kept ignoring her while the others were chuckling at my misery except Gordon as he sighed.

"Avy, please leave them alone" he said in a tired tone.

"But..okay....oh! I'm sorry Eve stabbed your hand by the way! But thank—" she was cut off by Gordon yelling

"SHE DID WHAT!?!?" by now, everyone's gaze turned towards the bandaged face bitch who just looked uncomfortable under everyone's glares excluding Jeff as he just looked bewildered and Chris who's driving

"No wonder the kid despises yer guts so much" Lizzy rolled her eyes with a sneer

"Why would you stab a kid!?" Drake said in disbelief

"She saved your burning butt and you did such a thing!?" MissR.A.P.H said with weird look on her face.

"I-I d-didn't know! T-they could've been a zombie a-and I'm just trying to protect ourselves!" She defended. 'A zombie that can talk, ain't that ironic that she ain't wrong at something. Great job kid for making a scene' I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"It ain't a big deal, stop making a scene" I mumbled but aparrently, Drake heard me and looked at me in disbelief (how many times have I said that? XD)

"Not a big deal!? She stabbed you and its not a big deal!?" He looked at me in shock

"Sasiah, that wound goes up to your wrist! There's a literal hole and burn on your left hand!" Gordon shook his head

"Its not like you can do anything about it, what? Are you gonna beat her up? Throw her off the truck? Give me stitches? Yea no thanks" I said sarcastically.

"Sasiah please.." Gordon pleaded as he looked at me in worry. I turn my head towards him, and even tho he can't see my face, my vibe is obviously telling him just shut it, I don't want to hear anymore of this. I'm DONE. He sighed in defeat.

I turned my head to go back and stare at the wall but behind the mask, I am watching everyone as the bitch is giving me a confused and questionable look, probably because of how I just let go of the topic ever so easily. Avy went back to Gordon and the others were just in their seat being quiet. I can see Jeff glancing at me and Eve.

The whole ride went quiet after that event. And honestly, I'm just tired now. Not physically of course since that is most impossible, but I'm just tired at lounging around. You know like when you're bored? But you don't want to sleep either. So you're just, tired.

We sat there for a few more hours before we stopped to cool down the engine and take a breather. We stopped beside a forest so its good. I needed to hunt.

I went out and stood still as I listen for any life around. I can hear birds chirping but they're aren't enough to fill me in. And so I stalked towards some bushes. I saw a few quails. Two should be good. I stood very still under the tree's shadow. Waiting still. Its hard to hunt at day. But hey, I can't complain now can I?

Everytime the two target wouldn't pay attention, I ever slowly move from my spot but quick enough that they wouldn't notice. I waited, and then I quickly striked. Probably from shock, I've managed to stun some other quails but I've only killed the two target.

I ate the two quickly, and not even a drop of blood was wasted. Crap, I should've taken the bag and the cats with me. This could've been a great way to escape. I growled in anger as I swiped at a tree as I broke away the bark and was able to leave a huge hole in it as the tree sap started to pour out. Not even a bear could do this mark. I have the chance to run, but I foiled it. I'm so furious.

I let out my anger on a few trees as I started to go back. When I came back at the truck everyone was looking worried, excluding Eve of course.

Right now, were gonna camp here to rest and just cool off. As much as we can anyway. People would take turns on patrolling the area in case of a stray zombie or attacker attack while the 'kids', including me stay behind with the beaten up bitch by the truck with Lizzy.

So far, nothing much is going on. No drama, excluding Everynn of course. She just hates my guts. Well...feelings are mutual pal.

I groaned and stood up. Lizzy looking at me. I started to walk around since when we get back to the box, I won't be able to. I climbed up a tree trying to amuse myself. I sighed as I lay on my back on a tree branch and looked up at the sky. Its starting to get dark.

Chris and missR.A.P.H came back with a dead boar while Lizzy is setting up the fire. I dozed off here and there for a bit. Until I heard someone say something that would literally make me fall off this tree.

"Where is the other kitty?" The kid said. I jerked up from my position and instantly jumped down scaring everyone nearby. 'How can I forget them!? How can I let my eyes off of them!?' I ran to the box already fearing the worst.

"Tsk..probably just ran off" I didn't listened to the bitch who just rolled their eyes on my exaggeration. I saw Eevee on top of my bag, I looked inside and saw no cat, I looked through the others' bags and also saw nothing.

I came out of the box frantically. 'No no no no NO!!!' I thought as I'm getting a little more nervous.

"Cutie!? Cutie!? Where are you!?" I started to yell

"Who the hell would call a cat that?" Mumbled by the bitch. I'm starting to get VERY irritable and snapped my head towards her. The air arround me getting colder and unsettling. She shifted under my glare uncomfortably. She can't see the glare but I know that she can feel it. The others are also getting nervous around us as I growled under my breath.

"And who in their right minds would name you anything at all? I have no time for a beaten bitter fruit like you, so shut it or I'll make your conditions worse" I threatened.

I started to walk towards the trees to try and find my little baby. I lifted my mask up to my nose to try and find her scent trail. Lizzy ran by my side looking at me in worry. Its already dark so exposing a little bit of my skin is no problem.

It took a while of walking around in circles until I finally tracked her trail. Its a little weak but I can also scent that she wasn't alone. Attackers' scent by the trees. My eyes widened as I feared for the worst, and ran taking Lizzy by surprise.

I ran and ran until I saw it. My slow and almost unbeating heart shattered into tiny spec of pieces.

Muahahahahahahah! Cliff hanger boooooiiiiss!!! But its pretty obvious tho. Soo... Meh *shrugs* but hey! Its another chapter! And its not as boring as the others! :D

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