Chapter 13

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Sasiah's POV

I was outraged by what I've saw. I quickly charged at the Attacker that jumped in surprise as it finally noticed my presence. Lizzy finally caught up and stared at the scene in front of her then looked at me in sympathy.

I've killed the Attacker as I finally loomed over her body. The one who I yearn to protect alongside her twin, is laying just laying there like a piece of trashed meat.

But it didn't make me feel hungry or anything. The only thing that I feel in my stomach is my anxiety, fear, sadness, and fury.

'How did I let this happen?' I stood there for who knows how long as I finally dropped to my knees.

I couldn't cry.

I just stood there feeling every dreadful emotion a human can have. I gritted my teeth as I looked at her mouth.

Between them is a dead sparrow. And it doesn't look like she caught it just to eat it for herself. That's when I have a small and brief flashback.


I sighed as I got back home. I was having one of those shitty days. But this time its not because of the mindless meat sticks challenging me just because they thought that they could take me on. No, the stores are running out of food and I would have to go further to scavenge.

I dived to my couch with a grunt as I hear the quiet pitter patter of small paws. My cats, Eevee and Cutie came to greet me and rub their furry faces on my dangling hand as I pet them.

Cutie perked up as she felt my depressed aura and left the room. I lay there with Eevee as she jumped on my back and made herself comfortable.

I turned my head towards the cat as she have brought me something. She dropped it by my hands and I realized that it was a dead mouse.

I smiled at her attempt to cheer me up as I take my mask off of my face revealing my amber goldish eyes and pale face.

"What's this? You brought me a gift? Gee thanks bud" I snicker as I look at her with love in my eyes and started to pet her head as she lets out a soft and quiet purr.

I may be a zombie, but my heart can still melt at such adorable gestures. Gosh I love these two.

And from then on, when she would see me in such a sour mood, she would bring me gifts and cheer me up.


I felt pain and a choked sob get caught in my throat. My eyes were starting to blurry. The thought of her getting out of the truck to hunt and bring me back a gift to cheer me up from my sour mood because of Everynn's bitchiness brings pain in my heart.

I sobbed as tears finally poured down my eyes as I reach for her bloody corpse. I craddled her stiff body to my chest as I wailed and sobbed uncontrollably.

And finally, from the very top of my lungs... I screamed.

I screamed as tears continue to pour out as I face the sky. Overwhelmed by emotions, I asked myself

'Why is this happening to me!?' 'What did I do to deserve this!?' 'Why does fate and destiny have to be so cruel to me!?' 'WHY!?!?'

Right there, kneeling on the ground, I cried the pain out. I don't even care if Lizzy see me break. I'm just too overwhelmed with grief.

Hours passed by, my screaming and wailing turned to small hiccups and sobs.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. Presumably, Lizzy's. I didn't turn to look at her. I just kept crying.

This hurt more than the stab on my hand.

We stayed for a bit more time until I finally calmed down. I was still clutching her body close to my chest until Lizzy spoke.

"C'mon. Let's go, the others are probably worried sick for us" she said with sympathy and sadness in her voice. But I didn't move.

After some time. I carefully put her body down. The dirt under us is soft and kinda damp and so I started to dig a small hole.

It took a while but I managed to dig a somehow deep enough hole to bury her body in.

I stood up and looked around for rocks the size of my hand. I found a few and put them around the small plump of dirt as I look for a bigger piece of rock.

I remember crossing one on the way here so I went back to get it. Once I was able to get it, I placed it down where the gravestone would be.

I also found a few small daisies and placed it down beside the dead sparrow. I sat and mourned there in silence as the sun slowly goes down.

When we finally got back, everyone is looking worried and is arguing if they should go in the dark and try and find us.

The sun had set a few minutes ago. It felt like time went by so slow.

When they finally noticed us, they immediately came to check on us. And they sighed in relief as they saw that we're alright.

Jeff stepped up and looked towards Lizzy, then me as I kept my head down. He looked behind me with a worried expression before he spoke softly.

"Did...did you find them..?" He knew that he screwed up when Lizzy looked at him then looked towards me as I clenched my fist.

They finally took notice on my dirty hands and the dried blood on my jacket. They looked at me sympathetically and frowned.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean–..sorry for your loss" Jeff said as he hugged me. I've cried for so long, I felt empty but this pain in my chest throbbed once again.

I didn't move from his embrace. I just felt tired. When he finally let me go, I went towards the truck and took away Eevee from Avy's grasp and cradled her in my arms. The cat already knew the lost.

She purred in my hold as we both mourned in silence. That's until we both fell asleep.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnngggg..da feels iz real! Also, did you already greeted your momma's? If so, I give you le pat on ze back. - w -
Seriously tho, while writing this, I kinda got teary eyed π w π howzabout chu? Did I manage to make you bootiful readers out there to cry? Lemme know
• w •

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