Chapter 16

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Sasiah's POV

  Found them. I watched from afar as they started to head out from that tiny ass house and into the truck and started the engine.

I cringed as the smell of the truck's gas hit my nose.

'Tsk, even with my distance and my mask on, I could still smell that horrible stench' I thought. Even back when I was a kid I hated those smell from a vehicle that just started the engine since I can smell the gas and I usually get dizzy.

As I followed them, I noticed that the truck is driving slower than normal. 'Looks like they're running out of gas'.

I was able to locate them after following their scent for only two days. Seems like its hard keeping up supplies with a group of eight people. Can't really blame them since food is getting scarce with all the other strongholds patroling around taking all of the supplies that hasn't expired yet.

I looked around the place we were currently in. Its a city, but everything is just mostly rubble and ruins now. This place looks like its been bombed. Probably.

The truck stopped as I went to hide in the shadows of an alley. I am staring right at them specially the one I hated the most making sure that she feel it.

I can see her getting uncomfortable. 'Seems like its working then'. I want them to feel like being watched. Specially her.

I don't intend to hurt the others since they've been nice to me. Heck I'll even spare Chris. He was nice if only his ego don't get in the way.

" you feel that?" She asked the others looking around frantically.

"Feel what?" Chris asked boredly but he was still alert about his surroundings.

"You guys don't feel it? Like, y'know? Being watched?" She asked. The others turned to look at her.

"You're just being paranoid, c'mon, you four will stay in the truck while we scout around." Gordon pointed at her, Avy, Chloe and Drake.

As the others go, I decided to mess around cuz why not.

I climbed to the rooftop of the building to my left and as silently as I could, parkoured my way over the building beside their truck.

'Now what kind of mischief should I do? Hmmm.... I don't wanna just stare into her ugly face even though its amusing to see her fidget around awkwardly'. I looked around as I try to find something to drop on them.

I didn't carry a bag this time so I have nothing other than my weapons/scissors underneath the sleeves of my jacket.

I found a big piece of ruble. The size of a basketball or so and decided to drop it on the roof of the truck as a loud bang can be heard from the impact along with the high pitched scream of the girls.

I snickered quietly to myself.

"What was that!?" Eve screamed

"I'll go check the roof" I heard Drake say.

A couple of minutes later I heard a thud, presumably him jumping down.

"Its just a rock, Its probably from the building next to us since this place is in shambles. I'm guessin it fell down cuz a bird sat on it or something along with that line." He reasoned.

"Not. Convinced. What if its a zombie or something!? Or maybe, maybe its them!" She replied back. Gosh she's annoying.

"Calm down. As long as I'm here we're fine. Plus the others might come back soon. Be patient." He sighed.

"Believe me! I swear! They're out to hunt me! They're probably just around those corners planning to kill m-"

"Well if you weren't such a bully to them in the first place, we would've been fine. Remember, this is YOUR fault and you've also put US in danger. So stop complaining. You did this to yourself." He cut her off. 'Wow, everyone is just hatin her. Lol.'

"Oh so you're blaming me? How could you Drake?" 'Gosh... Bitch alert. Bitchy-ness level over 9000'

"Everynn, Enough" Chloe butted in.

"Fine! You guys are just ganging up on me. Hmph!" Then silence.

I was starting to get bored when I saw Chris peeked out from the corner of a building.

'Finally...aaaaauuuurrrrggghhh took them long enough'

"Found anything?" I heard Drake ask, I peeked down to see who's talking to who. It was Drake asking....Gordon of course.

"No..there's nothing but ash, dust, and rubble." Gordon shook his head.

"AND some few burnt corpses around. What happened here..?" Jeff added.

"Well we need to move away the truck before it gets crushed by these buildings. A rock already fell down our roof. This place is unstable."

"We don't have enough gas to last us at least a day. All the cars 'ere are also useless. We'll have to abandon the truck and walk. I know 'tis risky but we don't have much of a choice" Lizzy shook her head.

"Are you sure? Maybe you guys just missed something! If we walk, its going to consume our energy and we don't have much food or water to refuel that!" Eve desperately said.

As they bicker around, I sighed in disappointment. 'Unbelievable... These idiots will die without me doing anything. What kind of shit is this!?' I thought.

Though, now I just realized that its too quiet here. Too much for my liking.

I don't hear any birds or insect. Not even the wind. I don't smell any fellow zombies or attackers either.

The sun is starting to set over the horizon as the group of humans below me started a guarding shift as the others prepare a fire.

I tested the air for any scent other than the smoke coming from their small campfire.

Nothing. I don't like this. Something's going on and its not good.

The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now