Chapter 4

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Sasiah's POV

I woke up when I felt someone staring intensely at me but I didn't move.

"Why do they wear a mask? Don't they feel extreme heat under those black clothing? Why would they rather be gender neutral? Can I see their face?" A new feminine voice ranted.

"Give the kid a slack Chloe. Geez" Another new voice was heard, but its manlier.

"Just read the pages on that binder. And no, you can't touch their hood and mask. Its their privacy" I felt Gordon huff.

"Whaaaaaat?!? That's not fair!" This 'Chloe' gal yelled.

"Shut up!" A pair of three voice hushed. I'm assuming Gordon, Jeff and Lizzy.

This 'Chloe' mumbled something under her breath. I stirred from my position to act as if I got woken up. I look towards Gordon to see him looking down at me.

"Hey there, good morning little one. Sorry about the noise" he said as he glared to someone which got my attention as I saw a bright pink haired woman wearing glasses and to her side is a guy with long black hair. He looks like around 29 to 30 years old. He also almost look like Gordon. Wonder if they're related?

"The woman in pink vomited hair is Chloe while the man beside her is Drake. He's my little brother" He introduced. Drake nodded at me as a greeting while Chloe looks like she's about to explode.

"What's your name? How old are you? Are you a boy or a girl? What's with your outfit? Why do you wear a creepy and weird mask? Are those your cats? Are you all alone? Where did these guys find you?" She ranted. I can barely remember what she said. I just stared back at her doing nothing as I'm still laying on Gordon's lap.

"Hey why aren't you moving? Can't you speak? Are you mute?" She asked confused.

"Ye killed them ya dingus, plus, how in the cow would they answer all of that?" Lizzy crossed her arms and leaned on the wall of the truck.

"Pff right, hey—" she reached for my mask as I instantly sat up and covered the mask on my face with my bandaged hands as she screamed and fell backwards in shock. I was petrified. If she pulled off my mask, I'd burn my face because the sun light is shining through the inside of the truck, then they could kill me and take away my two cats, the only family that I have left. No, I have to leave. I was shaking uncontrollably in my spot, afraid of the consequences without this mask.

"I told you that you can't see and put off their mask! What's wrong with you?!?" Gordon yelled angrily. I slightly jumped from his sudden loudness.

"Eesh..calm down Gon, ye scaring the kid more" Lizzy said.

"Oh...Oh I'm sorry Sasiah I didn't mean t—" he reached his hand out to me as I flinched extra hard, I quickly grabbed my bag near the door with the two cats inside, and ran out as fast as humanly possible. If my heart can beat the same rhythm as these humans were, I would probably be pumping with adrenaline to get the shit out of here. I heard them calling out for me, mostly Gordon and Jeff. 'Not today satan, not today' I thought as I kept on running towards the middle of nowhere. I saw a small forest park thingy in the distance, y'know, those place where there are several trees in them and probaly a pond, but whatever the heck its called, I'm running towards it.

I reached it, but in a very far distance away from this mini forest, I can hear them calling out to me. 'Ye no, screw ya'll, I ain't gonna die double time yet, not now at least'. I climbed a tree and hid in the shadows, I easily blended in with my attire. I can't hear anything anymore. 'Meh, they probably gave up' I thought. I stayed up and alerted to my surroundings. Out of nowhere, I heard a vehicle coming towards my way. 'Dafuq?!?' the sun has set and its already dark out there, are they serious? I'm not even worth it! They're gonna get theirselves killed! Eh, not my problem. I'm suprised the cats didn't do anything inside the bag, I'm starting to wonder if they're really there. But I know they are, I can hear their breathing and heartbeat.

"Sasiah?!?" 'Oh are you kidding me?!?' I heard Gordon yell. I peaked around a corner to see him with a flashlight. Jeff,  Lizzy, and Drake are with him too. 'Oh why me?' I complained.

"Sasiah, please come out! We're getting worried!" Jeff pleaded, oh Jeff. He reminds me of that little cartoon show about these villains thing, and there's this wimpy scientist who's scared at his boss but is a badass himself with his own inventions.

"Child! Chloe is sorry for her actions! Please come out" Drake said. 'Suuuuuure' I rolled my eyes. I realized that from all of their yelling, they started to attract some zombies and attackers as I can smell their foul scent in the distance. 'Oh no' I looked around anxiously, trying to find something to keep them away without showing myself, but found no luck. 'Welp, sayonara to you guys, you're dead meat' I thought as I look down to see them under the tree I am sitting on. The attackers are getting dangerously close as I tried to think about my next move. 'Screw it!!'  Just as I thought about that, a wolf attacker jumped out of the bush and is coming towards Jeff in an incredible amount of speed. The group were in a state of alarm and shock at the visible enemy as its black baldish fur/skin glinted like a black tar as it lauched in the air, jaw wide open, ready to snap and tear Jeff's vulnerable skin. I jumped down just in time to crunch its skull under my feet as multiple came towards us. I quickly grabbed my sharp and long scissors from inside of the left sleeve of my hood and easily stabbed their head one by one with my enhanced strength, careful to not let them touch the backpack with the cats inside. The zombies are slower and I killed most of the attackers as the group of humans finally went off their daze as they brought out their weapons and attacked the creatures. After all of that, we were silent.

"Err..." Lizzy awkwardly scratched the back of her neck as Jeff finally spoke,

"Thank you for saving me, I'm not even gonna question you about how you did that" I only nodded as a response until Gordon out of nowhere hugged me.

"Oh thankgoodness you're okay! We were so worried, I am so sorry I broke my promise, I just didn't expect her to actually do that! I—" I silenced him as I shove my not bloody hand to his face.

"I get it geez" I silently and softly said as their eyes went wide.

The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now