Chapter 21

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Gordon's POV

'Where are they!?' I anxiously thought as I look around for them until I found Everynn running towards us with Lizzy trying to fend off their followers.

"Where's Jeffery?" I asked.

"No time Gord, c'mon!" Liz said as she tried to pull me away.

"No. Where. Is. Jeffery" I demanded as I smashed a runner's face with my brass.

"ENOUGH!!!" Eve said looking down before I realized what had happened.

I hissed and shook my head before running away. 'Another teammate. A young one at that too'.

Sasiah's POV

I watched them from behind a random house retreat. Welp, time to go back I guess.

I retraced my scent with Jeff to the house. 'If I weren't a zombie right now, I'd be easily lost since I have no sense of direction. Good thing I have a some sort of scent tracker now'.

Wow, the road is barren and quiet. They really took the horde away. 'Eh, less job for me' I shrugged.

I went up the small steps in front of the house and opened it.

I walked to the kitchen to get a big cup to drain all these rabbit's blood in.

I took off my mask since it's gotten pretty dark out, not that its gonna affect my sight since I can still see pretty clear. Its like the early afternoon where its still pretty light around when in reality the sun had already gotten down.

I walked up the stairs with the cup in my hand before knocking on a certain room.


I opened the door only to easily dodge the sloppy pounce.

He growled at me while crouching.

I made my eyes flash a vibrant red before going back to its original golden hue.

He hissed as he went to a corner in a defensive but passive slouch.

I calmly walked towards him before placing the cup on the floor and walking a couple feet back to not cause any sort of triggers.

He looked down and went to approach the cup as he scented the blood and went to reach for it.

I stared at his arms and noticed some scratch marks. I sighed. He must've scratched it in the middle of turning. Welp gotta get him some bandages too I guess.

I went to pick my phone in the pocket of my pants, I managed to find a few working houses with generators in them and took the chance to charge along with stealing their power bank.

I started to record his hilarious trials to pick the cup up. In a few tries, he managed to get it and drink the blood sloppily.

I frowned as I saw all the blood splatter everywhere on the floor. I guess it can't be helped. Dang those wasted blood.

I went back out and closed the door quietly, ending the recording.

I went down to take the other cup. He seemed to have successfully turn into a runner. He still have a chance.

I opened the door once more and closed it behind me.

He's pacing around the room as if he wanted more.

I growled a little for acknowledgement to let him know that I'm here.

He got startled and growled at me in anger.

The Undead that still Lives [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ