Chapter 27

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Lizzy's Pov

I sat impatiently at the doctors desk and he reviewed my file. I was so close to being discharged, but the doctor was taking this time to determine what I should be doing over the next week. I just wanted him to hurry up, I wanted to go back outside and see Phillip again.

I tried to look over my shoulder to his bed. This had no success whatsoever.

I just wanted to see him again. I mean I actually miss him. Literally. I have been away for a half hour and I miss him. I just want to see his smile, his eyes, his wavy hair. Hear his voice again.

The doctor cleared his throat, signalling to me that I could leave the hospital. I walked slowly out of his office before running back towards where my old bed was, where I had left Phillip. Everything around me was a blur. The nurse, the voices telling me to slow down, other patients.

I could feel a smile etch itself onto my face as I saw I was coming closer to where I stayed over the duration of my hospital visit. Closer to Phillip.

When I was telling Phillip about me, it dawned on me that I have never been this honest with anyone before in my life. He was the first person I trusted enough to tell the WHOLE story instead of just fragments. And I am pretty sure, I am falling for him.  

I pushed through the doors to see two empty beds and a red hat which laid upon the tossed back sheets. I, instantly, picked up the hat. Spinning it in my fingers . I pulled a nurse aside and asked her if she knew where the gentleman in the bed next to me went.

"Yes, he left around a half hour ago." She stated, not daring to look up from her clipboard.  The nurse continue walking as if her words meant nothing to me. 

They didn't. 

I could feel something twang in my chest, like something had broke. 

He left. After everything I had just told him, every little detail about my old life. Things I have kept hidden from everyone for so long. 

Did he not care? 

I didn't cry a single tear. Instead I could feel myself hardening into ice cold stone. I was a fool to believe that something between us could ever happen. I could feel bubbles of regret forming in my stomach, regret that I told him everything. That I let my self fall.

I threw the red hat onto the empty bed that use to be his before walking out of the hospital and towards the remains of the circus.

Nobody noticed that I was there, which I was completely okay with. I was close enough to hear what they were saying but not to be seen.

Barnum was no where to be seen, but I could see Lettie, Anne, W.D and Charles talking about the circus.

"Barnum doesn't have enough money to pay us, let alone rebuild another building." Anne informed everyone, her arms wrapped themselves around herself - attempting to keep her from the cold.  

"And there is no way to get any?" Charles asked as his foot traced patterns in the charcoal. 

Lettie shook her head before replying a one word answer. "None". 

"And I guess we are now out of a home" W.D voice was sorrowful, I knew how much the circus meant to him. 

I wish I could do something, anything to help them. An idea formed in my head.

Not a good one.

But nevertheless it was an idea which would guarantee everyone the circus back. 


Phillip's Pov (The next day). 

I didn't know I could feel like this. Like absolute trash. 

I left Lizzy there all alone, wondering why I had left. She finally was honest with me, opened up about her self and what did I do?

Leave without a word. 

I took another sip from my glass. I was waiting in the bar ,which I first met Barnum at, for all the other members of the circus. 

I rubbed my temple unsure of what to do exactly when they arrived. 

Soon enough, everyone began to swarm into the bar. All crowding around Anne and W.D. I glanced over the crowd, seeing if I could find Lizzy. No success. 

Anne, who eyes looked extremely red and puffy as if she had been crying, pushed her way in front of the crowd, giving me a letter and telling me to read it to everyone. 

I could already make out Lizzy's cursive writing and I automatically didn't want to read it. Something has happen. I had done something. 

I stood up onto the bar counter, grabbing everyone's attention, and began to read Lizzy's letter. 

"Dear Everyone, 

This is probably the hardest letter I will ever have to write, however it must be done. I will no longer be apart of the circus, when it , and it will, start back up. I know that we have no funds to rebuild our home with and I came up with a solution.  I am going back to Pennsylvania to stay with my family so I can marry  a man, Mr John Finney.

The last  time I spoke with him, he agreed that I would receive a substantial amount of money if I did marry him. After speaking with my father, this agreement is still on and my father will give me a large amount as well.  This will be all given to Barnum to rebuild the circus . 

By the time you read this, I will be on the train - halfway back to my family. I ask you don't attempt to follow me. 

Thank you all for some of the greatest memories I will ever have and will never forget. 

Love, Elizabeth." 

She's gone? 

For good?

Everyone began yelling at me, voicing their disapproval of the matter.

"Hey, HEY!" I yelled over the top of their voices. "I am going to ask everyone to leave, except Anne and W.D. Please." I said as calmly and formally as I could.

I cannot believe this! I did this! 

She is going back to that life she hated because I left her alone, thinking that I didn't care about her. Didn't love her.

"What are we going to do?" W.D questioned as he hugged a silent crying Anne. 

 I was not going to let this girl, the girl I love, escape from me again. 

" We're going after her." 


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