One and only

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"Ssstoooppp Odell come on I'm freezing", Melanie said as I tickled her . "Alright Alright I'm just gonna get one more thing then we can leave",I scanned the shelf. We were at the gas station.(we decided to stop here on our way home from a long day of wedding shopping ) "give me the keys then I'm gonna go get in the car" she held her hand out . "Baby I'm onl.."
"Give me". I took them out my pocket "here and  you better not leave me". She kissed me "I'll think about it" then she walked out . I continued looking for something to snack on "I found it" I said to myself then I walked to the cash register. "That's all fa yah Mann"the cashier asked scanning my items "yeahh"
I took out my wallet
I heard what sounded like a gun and I ducked down "What the hell was that" . I didn't answer him  because I was worried about Mel.
"AAHHH She's bleeding out" a female voice screamed from outside. I had a bad feeling so I went outside and I saw Mel on the ground next to the car layin in a pool of blood . I ran to her "MEL MEL BABY" I held her in my arms . "I'm calling 911", the woman said . "Stay with me baby" she was shot on the left side of her chest there was blood everywhere. I was panicking "WHO DID THIS" she struggled trying to answer me . Soon enough the ambulance and police were pulling up ."SIR were gonna need to put her in the stretcher". "I'm here baby", I held her hand as they put her on it . "SHIT", I called our parents and let them know what was going on . "Are you coming sir", the Emt asked me . I nodded and hopped in the truck . "God please don't take her she's my everything"  I said to myself.


Sad story 🤧 let me know what you think
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