Not my time 3

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It's been several months and I haven't heard from Quinn or my kids. She haven't been returning my calls or anything. I wrote my babies every day and I haven't gotten anything back .

Today I have court and honestly I'm not ready they're gonna continue to accuse me of his murder.

"Mrs. Beckham why did you and mr. Beckham go on the boat that night" the prosecutor asked me

"Well he wanted me to have one night off because I'm always working"

"And did you think that would be the last day you would see your husband alive"

"No that never crossed my mind" 

"No further questions your honor"

"The jury may now be released to make their decision"

"So you think I have a chance of getting out of here" I asked my lawyer

"Yes but the only thing is holding you back is the knife with your prints on it"

"Of course they can't find anything else to pin on me" I said getting aggravated

"I also tried callin Quinn once again but still no answer but I'm gonna keep calling" he told me

I nodded  and I put my head down
I feel like there's no hope and I'm gonna be stuck here for a crime I didn't do

"Keep fighting sweetie" a familiar female voice said to me

I looked up and it was Odell's mother

"OHHH Ma" I hugged her tightly
Man was I happy to see her

"How you holding up in there" she asked

"It's horrible I hate it there I miss my babies how are they"

" I haven't seen my grandkids in months Quinn moved and I can't find her new number anywhere I don't know but something about that girl is strange"

And I thought to myself what If I never see my children again. I have to get out of here ASAP.

Odell Beckham imagines ❤️😩😝Where stories live. Discover now