Not my time 2

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Before you leave off this page Check out The video up there ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ it's hilarious 😂😂 . Okay on to the story 🤟🏽


I have been sitting in the room for 3 hours waiting for questioning

*Knock knock *

I wiped my face and a man walked in

"Mrs. Beckham" he said putting a folder down

"I don't understand what's going on Mr."

"Mrs. Beckham it's seems as so that you killed your husband"

"Whattt no that's crazy i would never he's the father of my kids and the love of my life"

"We found your finger prints on a knife we found with Odell's blood on it"


He started looking through the papers in the folder

"Didn't you put a 3 million dollar life insurance policy on him 6 months ago" he asked

"Yes I did but what's your point I put the same thing for myself"

"It's not adding up ms. Beckham and I'm sorry"

"What you mean you sorry"

"Until your trial you will sit in jail"

I yelled
And he walked out

"Welcome to your new home Mrs. Beckham here's your sheets and meet your roommate Angel" the lady officer told me

My roommate didn't look like a damn angel more like the devil
She was sloppy looking and Hispanic

I took my sheet and pillows and made up my bed
I can't believe I am in jail this is somewhere I would've never thought I would be .

"Well look at Miss Prissy ,you look familiar what you doin in here" angel put her hands on her hips

"I was accused of killing my husband what about you" I sat on my bed

"I lied to the government in order to get my kids into good schools and honey you can tell me if you killed him the judge isn't around" she laughed
I didn't think that shit was funny

"How many years you got and honest to god I didn't do it I wouldn't do that to him"

"20 years 3 years down 17 more to go what's your sentence"

"They trynna send me here for 60 years to life"

"Damnnn all for killin him who was he a millionaire" she laughed

"No he was a billionaire, you know him Odell Beckham"

Her mouthed dropped

"That's even worse" she died laughing
I laid down so heartbroken
I literally have nobody
I hate it here
3 weeks later

Even tho I'm locked up I was able to keep in contact and still see my kids while in here.

"How are they doing in school" I asked Quinn

"Good as always straight A's" she said

"Mommy is so proud of y'all" I told them putting my hand on the glass .

"I miss you mama"Tyson said

"I knowww mommy misses you guys sooo sooo sooo much"

"When are you coming home" kaycen asked

I became teary eyed because honestly I didn't know .

"I will get out of her very soon then all of us is gonna move far far away okaeee"
He nodded

"Quinn have you talked to Ma (Odell's Mother)"

"Not really the last time I heard from her is when you got arrested"

"Okaeee when you get a chance can you tell her to call me or come see me"

"I sure will let her know"

"Mom I learned how to add hundredths"  kaycen told me

"You dooo let me h.."


"WAIT wait let me tell them goodbye"
The guard pulled me up
I had a fit and tried to break away from them
More guards cane to handle me
The kids started crying

Go check out that video up there ❗️❗️❗️
I know you forgot 😒

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