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"Lance." He was still crying at the edge of Allura's bed. Lance rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. Lotor was soon to follow, and Keith was crammed inbetween them. They helped Keith stand up, just as Zarkon walked in front of him. A tick passed of them just staring at one another, until Zarkon pulled Keith to his chest into a tight embrace.

"Keith, my son...I love you." Keith began to feel his eyes water again, and he buried his face in his father's chest.

"I love you, too." Then he thought back to what Allura said to him:

'I need you to tell Lance and Father, I love them very much.'


"Keith, you should eat something," Lance said, snapping Keith out of his thoughts, "You need to get some food in your stomach."

"Yeah, I know." Keith wasn't really hungry though. He quietly set his fork down, looking at Lance and Alfor, "I need to tell you both something very important." The Alteans glanced at each other, before turning back to Keith and giving him a nod to continue, "While I was...unconscious,  and Allura used her magic to heal me, we were able to communicate." Alfor leaned closer with interest, but also with concern.

"You were able to speak to her?"

"Yes. And she wanted me to tell you and Lance that, she loves you both very much." Lance smiled, but there was no sign of joyous emotion in his eyes.

"Sounds like something she'd say." He then stood up and left the room. Lotor looked down, letting out a sigh.

"Lance told me he yelled at her." He mumbled, "That your coma was all her fault...I mean, I said that stuff to her, too but---but when I did it, Lance defended her. I guess he just didn't want to defend her anymore." Keith's ears fell, "He was really upset about it, I know he didn't mean to yell at her, but he didn't get to apologize." Keith decided to get up and check on Lance. After Keith left, Cancer ran in the room.


Keith knocked lightly on the prince's door, "Lance? It's Keith, can I come in?" The door opened and Lance stood in front of him, his eyes were very red. He moved to the side for Keith to enter, then shut the door. Keith sat down on his bed, looking down at his feet. "So um, Lotor told me what happened. How you shouted at Allura-"

"I didn't even get to say sorry." Lance mumbled, sitting down next to Keith, "What kind of brother am I?"

"You were upset...and you couldn't have known what she was going to do. It's not your fault you didn't get a chance to apologize-"

"Yes it is. Allura probably did what she did because of the things I said to her. She felt bad for me, so she thought this would make it better." Keith glanced at the him, setting his own hand on top of his. Lance looked down at their hands, locking their fingers together.

"Allura told me, she would do anything to make you happy. She said I was what made you happy." Lance closed his eyes and hugged Keith.

"You do make me happy."

"She wanted me to keep you happy." Lance looked at Keith, "I didn't want her to give up her life just as much as you, but I know...I could tell this is what she wanted. She thought it was the right thing to do."

"I don't." Keith sighed, gently rubbing Lance's back.

"Well, if she didn't, I wouldn't have ever gotten to see you again." Lance slowly brought his hand up behind Keith's head. He pursed his lips and massaged it tenderly.

I Love You, Not Her (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now