Chapter 31

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Carter's pov-

"Carter" my dad said as he began to shake me. I rolled away from him and groaned something along the lines of 'get out of my room I'm tired.' "We have a surprise for you" he says pulling my arm so it hangs off the bed.

"The surprise can wait a couple hours" I mumbled not even opening my eyes.

"You have school" he counters

"I can miss a day" I say back. I hear him sigh with what I think is defeat and I smirk appears on my face as I pull the pillow over my head to block the sunlight coming from my window which the curtains have been opened by my dad.

"Last chance to get up or you won't get your surprise" he says I can hear the playful tone meaning he's lying.

"Well looks like I'm losing my surprise" I say back my voice slightly muffled by the pillow.

"You sure?" He asks and I groan in response. "Guess you don't get these then" the sound of keys jingling calls my attention.

No. fucking. way.

I sprang up from my sleeping position the pillow flying off of my face onto the floor. In my room stands my dad, my step-mom and Sophie. My dad is holding keys out into the air. I quickly got off my bed to run over to grab the keys but he pulls them away from me.

"You lost the surprise remember"
He says causing everyone to laugh but me.

"Oh come on! Where the car!? Is it outside?" I sounded like such a loser the way I was so excited and I bet I looked like one when I practically jumped from one side of my room to the other to look out the window for my car. When I didn't see a car in the drive way my loser qualities increased even more by the way I asked "where my car?" In a disappointed whine.

Sophie leaned against the door laughing at my reaction. I rolled my eyes at her and walked to my dad .

"Okay jokes over, come on let me see it!" I excited say walking pass him out the door Sophie being the first to follow me. "Is it in the garage?" I was practically running down the steps.

When I was only a foot from the garage door my dad called me, him and my step mom had huge proud grins.

"Here" he says tossing the shining silver keys to me. The garage doors opened and I felt like I was about to fall over. Sitting beside Sophie's silver Porsche is a fire truck red Ferrari.

"No way!" I practically screamed as I ran to my new car. I opened the door and got inside, the black leather seats felt perfect against my bare back. In the excitement I forgot to put any clothes on, I don't really care right now that I'm in only my boxers at the moment because I'm sitting in my boxers in my NEW Car.

"I'm glad I won't be driving you and the game piece- I mean the girls you hang out with around any more" Sophie says correcting herself when she almost says game pieces In front of our parents.

"You need to go get dressed and ready for school" my step-mom tells me. I just noticed Sophie was already dressed. I can't wait to show this baby off to everyone at school.


Sophie's pov-

I just pulled into my drive way when I noticed nicks car parked right where I would park mine.

McKinsey's back!

I got out of my car and rushed Into the house. McKinsey is like family to me so my mom and dad get along with her really well, they even like nick. It's weird considering nick and Dana use to be so much alike and they hated Dana.

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