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It was late in the afternoon when Riverdale's sheriff knocked firmly on yet another Sunnyside trailer. Its inhabitants had never thought that the one who ought to bring peace to the town, was here to deliver bad news. Chaos and discord was planted between the dark soil that was the Southside by no one other than he who ought to unite the two sides.

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A firm knock stirred Nellie abruptly from her vacant staring. Sweet Pea who had been getting ready to tinker on his motorcycle, looked up from his worn off sneakers that he putting on.

He straightened himself, throwing Nellie a questioning look as he walked towards the door. Nellie herself did not know who was at the door, and waited.

The knocking continued, this time more rapidly as their guest was getting impatient. 

Nellie scooted closer to the edge of the bench, leaning heavily onto the soft pillows. Her hand dangled around her ankle as she pulled her leg closer to her chest. 

Finally, Sweet Pea opened the door, bringing with the movement a gush of fresh air to waft through the dense space. 

A man in uniform entered, without waiting for an invitation. This immediately brought Sweet Pea to squint his eyes to threatening slits. His gaze pinned on the back of the man, he followed the stranger until he made himself comfortable and sat down on the opposite side of the table, right in front of Nellie.

"Good afternoon," the man said, his hands reaching for a stack of papers tucked safely away in the inside of his vest. 

"Sheriff Keller," Sweet Pea replied crossing his arms in front of his chest. His words were dripping with venom. 

Nellie observed the scene in quiet. 

Sheriff Keller threw her a glance. His eyes clearly displayed confusion but Nellie did not know how to react to the strange look she was receiving. So instead, she remained silent, addressing her attention to the riffled edge of her shoelace, toying it between her fingers.

"I'm here in search of General Pickens' head," the sheriff continued to which Nellie did look up. This was her time to be confused. 

Sweet Pea visibly relaxed, the tension releasing his broad shoulders. He casually leaned against the counter. His dark eyes held a playful glint.

"Sheriff Keller, this is the fourth time this week you're interrogating the Serpents about the missing head of a statue. I assume your search isn't going as planned," the Serpent said, a sneer gracing his features.

The sheriff's face turned sour. "The Serpents have a motive and still no alibi," he said, his green eyes quickly glancing at Nellie.

"And here I was believing in the presumption of innocence," Sweet Pea replied, drawing the sheriff's attention back to him. 

"Just for your information, keeping important information from the police is considered an obstruction of justice, young man," the sheriff retorted, his patience clearly growing thinner with every moment he spend in the cramped trailer. 

"You and your girl should be aware that not helping me, can be considered a crime,"

At the assumption of a relationship between Nellie and Sweet Pea, Nellie's attention was drawn to the sheriff's words. A quick glance betrayed her interest in wanting to gauge Sweet Pea's reaction. 

The Serpent took a deep breath, his dark glare a turmoil of danger and violent thoughts.

"We cannot help you further, Sheriff. If your threat of a crime we did not commit, is over, I have to ask you to leave my home," He said, turning away from Keller. The tension had returned to his posture as anger was running through the gang's member's veins.

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