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We're just kids. We're not supposed to be heroes.

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Nellie was hunched over some numbers on the account of Andrews' Constructions, trying to keep her mind in line. She didn't know how to feel. Yesterday was a rollercoaster of emotions going from fear and excitement in prospect of the Serpent dance, to the pain and despair from revealing her deepest secret, her hidden identity, to the one whose judgement she feared most. And then, there was the night that happened.

Every time her mind wondered to what had happened, her cheeks flushed a bright red. She had been intimate with guys before, but what happened with Sweet Pea last night had been something entirely different. She'd felt exposed and stripped, totally naked for him to see, to touch. She'd truly given him everything she was now.

A little voice in her head was still nagging about it, complaining about how she didn't deserve his attention after what she'd kept from him. The truth was however, that once he had touched her, that little voice immediately shut up and turned into a frenzy of heated thoughts and silenced moans.

She knew that things weren't right yet between them. Sweet Pea had left early in the morning, before Nellie was awake. She hadn't heard him since she'd fell asleep with his arm lazily draped around her waist, her back pressed against his chest.

She knew she'd hurt him but hoped that with time, they could talk things through. She hoped she'd have the chance to explain things to him.

Nellie was so lost in thought, she didn't hear the footsteps on the metal stairs outside and was surprised by a firm knock on the door. Fred Andrews wasn't present as he had his mayoral speech to prepare for the debate later that evening.

When she opened the door, a strange man wearing the Sheriff's uniform greeted her with nothing but a firm nod. Not waiting an invitation the man barged in. Alarmed at the man's rude behaviour, Nellie took a few steps back, seeking the safety of her small desk in the corner of the office.

"I am afraid Mr. Andrews isn't at the office at the moment. Is there any message I can leave for him?" she asked, taken aback by the intensity of the Sheriff's stare as he subjected her to a scrutinising glare.

"I am not here for Mr. Andrews." the Sheriff said, taking measured steps towards Nellie's desk. She couldn't help but clutch the back of her chair at the intimidating figure headed towards her.

"I am the new Sheriff. Sheriff Minetta," the man said, continuing to fixing his gaze on Nellie from underneath the rim of his hat.

"I've come to follow up on Mr. Lodge's request." he said, placing his hands firmly on his hips. "Clearly, you haven't respected his wishes as you're still here, in Riverdale."

Nellie gritted her teeth. She wanted to scream at the man that she would never follow her father's orders but she knew aggression wouldn't work on someone like Minetta. So instead she put on her most haughty expression and bluffed her way through the confrontation. "He expects me to leave in a few days? I have responsibilities here, things that need to be taken care of. He needs to have patience," she said, sticking her nose in the Sheriff's direction.

"Don't test him, Miss Hearst. You will leave Riverdale by the end of the week or the consequences will be severe," Minetta said heading towards the door. "Mister Lodge won't be so generous if you defy him a second time."

"He doesn't own me," Nellie challenged. The Sheriff turned around. He could appreciate a little defiance as long as it wasn't directed at his current benefactor. "Be careful, Miss Hearst, it's only a matter of time until he does."

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The news of the Ghoulies returning to the streets of Riverdale hit Sweet Pea square in the face. He cracked his knuckles at the thought of those criminals ruining the Southside Serpents' business again.

He couldn't deny his own gang had its own defaults. They weren't nice kids. They were vandals and criminals. They'd robbed and fought, killed and destroyed. They were dangerous people and they liked it. The Ghoulies however, they were pure evil. Not even amongst their own, did they have any morals. Malachai solely reigned because of his absolute lack of sympathy or any loyalty towards his own.

More than once had they stood on opposite sides of a fight. Sweet Pea wanted nothing more than to see Malachai gone forever. With the rumour about their thirst for Serpent blood, Sweet Pea was determined to protect his Southside with all he had.

This news added to the revelations of Nellie last night already made him dread to go home. The only thing that lured him back to his trailer was the thought that although he did not know how to react or feel, Nellie would be there. After the night they'd spend together, desperate to fix whatever bond they had, he didn't know what to think about her. Sure she had her flaws, but he had them too. Only her flaw was something she couldn't really control. She just happened to be the enemy's kid.

All of a sudden the Serpents were stirred when a couple of Bulldogs interrupted the Swords & Serpents meeting. On instinct, the gang members stood up, fists clenched and ready to throw a few punches.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" Reggie Mantle shouted. The guy was the typical high school jock. Even after school hours, he was wearing his letterman jacket. "I'm guessing it was you, Sweet Pea!" Reggie accused the tall Serpent with a pointed finger in his direction.

The Serpent squinted his eyes and balled his fists. He took a deep breath as he passed Jughead to face the Bulldog face to face. Archie tried to calm Reggie down but Sweet Pea would never back out of a fight.

"I didn't even know Midge, but I get why she wouldn't want any flees from you mangy Bulldogs," he said between gritted teeth.

The insult Sweet Pea had thrown into the Bulldog's face was met with rage. Between pushes and pulls, gritted teeth and grunts, Archie and Jughead managed to get in between the two opponents, breaking the fight apart before it had even started. Toni looked at Sweet Pea, urging him with a nod to the back of the room as the Bulldog's left the room.

"Why didn't you just tell him about Nellie?" she asked. "If they knew you have a girlfriend, they wouldn't accuse you and you wouldn't need to defend yourself."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Nellie is not my girlfriend," he gritted, the adrenaline and testosterone still running through his veins. Toni rose an eyebrow.

"Sure she isn't, and I'm not attracted to Cheryl Bombshell," she added as if she hadn't just told Sweet Pea about this for the first time.

"You like Blossom?" He turned his head to face the pink haired Serpent but she batted his question away like an annoying fly. "If you hadn't been so busy drooling over Nellie, you might have noticed. Which exactly proves my point." Toni sported her self-assured smirk, one Sweet Pea used to make knees tremble. In fear or adoration, he didn't quite care.

He let out a deep sigh "Things are quite complicated at the moment," he admitted, slightly slouching against the windowsill.

"Well, you better uncomplicate things quickly," Toni added, barely able to hide her amusement to see the flirty bachelor of the Southside struggle with his feelings. "I promised her we'd meet her at the debate tonight."

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