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Back in Sunnyside Trailer Park, Nellie tries to celebrate the bit of luck that happened to her that day. After all, she's one step closer to leaving Riverdale behind her. 

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Back in the trailer, Nellie let herself fall down onto the small bench. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the text that was dancing in front of her eyes. Words twisted and turned, letters changed places. She silently mouthed the words as she broke them apart and reconstructed them. After what took her too long, she somehow got a grasp of what was expected from her.

It was nothing more than being a housemaid for the Four Seasons. Cleaning and preparing the rooms. On special events it could happen she would need to cater, but normally she was solely needed behind the screens of Riverdale's most luxurious hotel.

Her eyes skimmed over the rules noted in the contract once more: no smoking/drinking during hours, no relationships of any form with the clients, no stealing from the hotel or the clients,... the list was clear as day. One misstep, and she was thrown out.

The turning of the lock, brought Nellie back to the trailer instead of the wealthy lobby of the Four Seasons. She turned her head, just in time to see Sweet Pea hunch over to enter the small trailer. A small girl followed him in. Dressed in the same uniform, the girl stood still to observe the stranger sitting at Sweet Pea's table.

"Toni, Nellie. Nellie, Toni," Sweet Pea said without looking up as he went for the fridge. Nellie immediately stood, leaving her contract on the table to shake Toni's hand.

The tiny girl looked at her from underneath her lashes, obviously still making out how to perceive Nellie.

Suddenly, Sweet Pea turned around, confused. His large hand was wrapped around a bottle of red wine. "Is this yours?" He asked Nellie, sticking his chin in her direction.

Nellie let out a small smile, "I wanted to celebrate my new job with you. After all, you let me stay in your house," she admitted.

Toni broke out into a grin. "Looks like the right kind of people to surround yourself with, Sweets," she said, slapping Nellie friendly on the back before making her way to Sweet Pea's unmade bed. She sat down, contently leaning against the thin wall.

Shaking his head with laughter, Sweet Pea uncorked the bottle and served three glasses. "What'you got?" he said, shoving a cup towards Nellie, who gladly accepted it.

"Housekeeping at the Four Seasons," she said, uncertain of their reaction.

Toni rose her eyebrows in surprise and Sweet Pea let out a whistle. "Good job, newbie," Toni replied rising her glass to Nellie before she took a large gulp. Her nose scrunched as the taste of the red wine tinged her tongue.

Nellie flinched, immediately excusing herself "It's the cheapest bottle I could find," she explained the sour taste of the wine. Sweet Pea laughed it off. "Toni just needs some beer to wash away the taste, she'll get over it,"

Nellie observed the two quietly as the two Serpents chatted about the events at school. Her mind went back to the previous day when Toni had been here as well, calming Sweet Pea after the sheriff's visit. When they had been talking about her. Shaking her head to clear it from what Sweet Pea had said about her, she went back to her glass of wine.

"Jughead is going insane," Toni said, vacantly observing the label of her bottle of beer. "This whole eviction thing is making him reckless,"

Sweet Pea let out a grunt, "Honestly, what does he think he's doing? He prances into the Serpents and suddenly he thinks he owns us,"

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