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Scurrying in the cramped staff corridors of the Five Seasons, Nellie Hearst had no time to adopt to the urged manners of the luxurious hotel. As the week continued, more and more guests arrived at the only hotel of Riverdale. Each of the new visitors was more wealthy than the previous one. 

The reason for their presence in Riverdale was the reason Nellie could not count on Hiram's protection. Veronica Lodge. And so the day arrived where the wicked and divine of Riverdale all found themselves beneath God's roof. But the only question that is left: who's wicked and who's divine?

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Nellie folded up another one of the thick and soft towels and placed in the glass cabinet of the opulent bathroom. She caught her image in the spotless mirror. Her black and white uniform was slightly creased from the work. She stroked the collar of her short sleeved shirt flat on the black top of the dress that reached half way her thigh. 

Staring vacantly at her reflection, she tucked away a strand of her short hair. When she was younger, Nellie had always thought she looked so much like her father. The impeccable Hiram Lodge. The man who granted her and her mother a visit every Friday afternoon when she came back from school. Before he left. Before he returned home to his family.

She shouldn't have been missing him when he didn't turn up one day. She shouldn't have felt heartbroken when the news of his imprisonment reached her mother. She shouldn't have her heart broken when she had witnessed him admiring his daughter. The one he considered his only daughter.

It was Veronica's confirmation in the afternoon. Nellie's father would be seated in the church, watching as Veronica walked towards the aisle in a without doubt beautiful and expensive dress. 

Nellie huffed at the thought of her father in church. The man had no morals, she thought to herself. He cheated on his wife with one of his employees. He didn't even have the decency to break with any of the two women. Instead, he wanted the best of both. Even worse, he expected the best of both. 

When she was done, she left the room and returned to the staff corridor, her arms packed with dirty laundry. The corridor was small and dusty, nothing like the magnificent corridors meant for guests. She nearly had to press herself against the wall when another maid came thundering through. The maid threw her a dirty glare before disappearing in the opposite direction.

When Nellie arrived in the washing room, it was eerily silent. Looking around she found no one in sight. The laundry was dropped into one of the massive baskets. Quickly, she glanced at her phone that was tucked in one of the pockets of her apron. Ignoring the message of Poppy, her eyes scanned over the grant numbers indicating the hour. The ceremony had already begun. 

Biting her lip, Nellie fought the idea that had popped up on her way to the laundry room. It being completely empty only made it more tempting. It was a bad idea. She knew that it would probably hurt her. Her hand had already wrapped itself around the fabric of her sweater. If she hurried she could still witness the last minutes of the ceremony.

Without logging out, she left the washing room behind through the back door. The fresh air, immediately made her cheeks rosy as she pulled the sweater over her head. The skirt of her dress was still visible. Her toes wiggled inside the plain black flats. 

Before she could change her mind, Nellie's legs brought her to the street from where she only had to follow until she reached the church of Riverdale. Passing the main entrance, she first took a glance through one of the windows. Standing on her tiptoes, her fingers clasped on the edge of the windowsill. 

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