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"broken girls blossom into warriors"

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Nellie let the hot water cascade over her back. Every time she closed her eyes, she still pictured Kowalski's hand pinned to the desk. So instead, she stared at her feet, watching the foam from cheap shower gel twist and turn around her toes. 

The shower did her well but the image of Kowalski kept haunting her. Not even the hot water could erase the sickening feeling of his touch or the memory of her attack. She remembered what Sweet Pea had said. She'd defended herself. She was not to blame. Yet, she was the one who had stabbed a man. She may have provoked his attack by returning to his room. It was for a greater good, she reminded herself, returning her thoughts on the prize: Hiram Lodge's downfall.

She rubbed herself dry with one of the harsh towels. Pulling the oversized T-shirt over her head, she caught her reflection in the fogged mirror. Rubbing away the last bits and pieces of mascara running down her cheek, she dabbed the towel on her damp hair, leaving the humid room behind to enter the living room. 

To her surprise, Sweet Pea wasn't alone. Since she was in the shower, she hadn't heard their visitor entering. The Serpent sat on the bench, his arms crossed over his chest, making his biceps bulk in a threatening way. His dark glare was pinned on Mister Harrington who uneasily watched the young Serpent sitting in front of him. His grey eyes were fixed on the snake curling on the boy's neck.

Before she could hide away in her bedroom to find some trousers to wear, Mr. Harrington noticed her presence and stood up. 

"Miss Hearst," he said, relief washing over him. Inside the messy trailer, the uniform clad Mr. Harrington seemed out of place. Sweet Pea followed Harrington's stare, pinning on Nellie's bare legs and throwing the old man another dangerous look. 

However, Harrington did not look at Nellie's legs. He was already relieved she seemed alright after what had transpired at the Five Seasons that day. She had witnessed a traumatizing experience, of that he had no doubt. Secretly, he was proud of her bravery to defend herself in front of a dangerous man like Mr. Kowalski. 

"Miss Hearst," he repeated not knowing where to begin. "It's quite difficult to find the right trailer in this park," he said, his face turning friendly and caring. The deep lines carved in his forehead relaxed a bit as his eyes softened.

"Mr. Kowalski has left The Five Seasons," he announced, causing Nellie to look back up to her employer. "He has received the necessary medical care and will not sue the Five Season or you, for that matter," he continued. Nellie leaned against the kitchen counter, her damp towel hanging limply from her arms, barely covering her tanned skin.

"However, I am afraid you can no longer be under our employ. The Board has decided to stop your employment immediately without notice," Mr. Harrington dropped, gauging her reaction carefully. Nellie swallowed and nodded, accepting of their decision. 

Sweet Pea stood up straight and walked over to the girl. His long legs carried him there in seconds. Standing protectively in front of her, he pointed an accusing finger to Mr. Harrington. 

"She only defended herself! That filthy bastard should be the one send away, not Nellie!" he said, his voice rising. Mr. Harrington nodded his head in approval but nothing could change the decision. 

"I understand your concerns, young man, but this is out of my hands. Kowalski has more influence on the Board than I do, I am afraid." Harrington said, casting his eyes shamefully to the ground.

"So that man can harass Nellie, but she can't defend herself?" Sweet Pea yelled at the injustice. Nellie wrapped her hand around his upper arm, drawing him closer to her chest. "It's not that bad, Sweet Pea, I'll find a new job."

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