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*warning: violence*

In the Five Seasons, Nellie was dreading her last task. She'd lift her eyes to the ceiling, wondering why she'd had to test her luck by searching the danger. The only reassurance she had was the pocket-knife Sweet Pea had given her. 

The only weapon to fight a beast like Lenny Kowalski. 

+ + + + 

As Nellie walked towards the last room, her hand immediately wound itself around the pocket-knife in the pocket of her apron. She bit her lip trying to calm down the nerves.

Mr. Harrington hadn't blinked twice when she asked if she could take back Kowalski's room, explaining that she didn't know why she had acted so silly as to no longer serve the room in the first place.Mr. Harrington merely tossed her the keys to finish the last room in her shift, not even looking at her.

Her heart was pounding in her chest as her hand rose to meet the surface of the door. "Housekeeping?" she asked, waiting for Kowalski to appear in the doorframe, an evil grin on his face as he got her back where he wanted her.

However, the room remained silent and Nellie opened the door and peeked through the small crack. The room was vacated apart from two closed bags, sitting on top of the kingsize bed. 

Nellie entered the room, dragging her cleaning cart behind her. She put her hands on her hips, overlooking the scene to find anything useful to find out either who Kowalski was or what his connection was to her father.

Her eyes lingered on the closed bags. She couldn't search Kowalski's stuff when it was already packed. She wouldn't be able to leave no traces in doing so. She bit her lip as her eyes roamed the rest of the room.

In the bin, she noticed some rumpled papers. She immediately crouched down, smoothening the surfaces of bills and receipts. Nothing useful.

If Kowalski was truly in some illegal business, he wouldn't leave any hints behind of course. Nellie sighed and got up. The desk was empty. Nothing useful could be found at first glance.She bit her lip, as she reached for the cart with cleaning products. Shaking her head in disappointment, she took a spray bottle and cloth and headed towards the bathroom. She might as well do what she was paid for.

It was clear as day that Kowalski was about to leave soon. Why did she have to be so stupid not to have come sooner?

She frustratedly rubbed against a grease mark on the mirror. Her image looked bitter. It was hard to ease the frown on her face when all her efforts seemed to be useless.

As she moved the tiny make-up mirror to the side as she cleaned, a shimmer caught her eye. On the sink, two perfectly round cuff links glistened brightly. Curious, she lifted them up, holding them closer to her eyes to see the dark blue background, a bright golden dagger in the midst of the emblem.

The opening of the door jolted her awake from her observations. Without thinking, she hid the cuff links in the pockets of her apron. The thought of being caught got her heart beat faster. She immediately returned to the main room, trying to keep her features from looking busted. 

Kowalski rose his eyebrows in surprise as he saw her enter. His dark glare skimmed over Nellie, a shiver running down her spine as memories of their last confrontation reminded her of his violent touch.

"Well, isn't that Miss Hearst. I was afraid I had chased you away," Lenny Kowalski said, tucking his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"I was just about to leave, Mr. Kowalski," Nellie replied reaching over to her cart. Instead, Kowalski grabbed it and rolled it closer to him. He grimaced menacingly, leaning against the broad surface of the desk.

"Are you just leaving me like this? Without an apology?"

Nellie scoffed. "I do not owe you an apology," She bit back, her hand contracting in a fist. Mr. Kowalski made a clicking sound with his tongue, shaking his head as he came closer to her, blocking her way to the door.

"I think you do, I wasn't finished with you," Kowalski lifted a hand but did not touch her. "You won't escape. This time, I hope you oblige..." he said, his voice husky and low. Dangerous like a predator.

"Or what?" Nellie bit back. She lifted her chin in his direction, daring him to touch her. She thought she'd looked demanding, collected but when Kowalski laughed all of her confidence disappeared. Her attitude faltered. 

"You think you can escape me a second time?" He reached for the crook of her neck, caressing her skin with one of his plump fingers, coming closer to her. Nellie swallowed.

"You're not your sister. You don't have Hiram's protection over you." His hold on her neck tightened, firmly pressing into her skin. Nellie winced. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, her fear threatening to take over. Without doubt, Kowalski would notice the rate of her pulse increasing in fear. Her mind went blanc and focused on not moving, just breathing.

"Some girls have all the luck. And. Some. Simply. Don't." Kowalski breathed in her ear, his other hand tracing her collarbone.

Her hand unconsciously reached for the pocket-knife in her apron, wrapping around it until her knuckles turned white.

"You will oblige to me just like your hoe of a mother listened to Hiram Lodge." Kowalski hissed in  before his grip tightened and his lips attacked the soft skin of her neck, heading straight to her jaw and lips, a moan escaping his filthy mouth.

Nellie let out a bestial groan, reaching for his hand and slamming it down onto surface of the wooden desk. Without thinking, she rose the pocket-knife and let it land.

She didn't even notice the blade cut through his skin as Kowalski screamed out in pain. His violent jolt pushed her to the side so she woke up from the anger that blinded her. It was then that she saw the damage she had done. 

Kowalski's hand was pinned to the desk. Thick, dark red blood was steadily streaming out of the wound, covering the man's hand as he screamed and reached to remove the knife.

Nellie didn't think. She ran to the door, opening it with an unknown force and ran down the hallway. She ignored surprised guests as she thundered over the carpeted floors, straight to the majestic grant staircase that would lead to the lobby. She didn't hear Mr. Harrington shouting as he watched her flee her crime scene. She broke through the open doors, feeling a gush of warm summer air hit her square in the face as the airconditioning of the hotel was left behind her.

"Nellie!" someone called out, reaching through the pounding of her blood in her ears. She looked around, bewildered, searching for the source of the voice.

Sweet Pea.

She thundered towards him. Dressed in his school uniform and leaning lazily against his motorcycle, he looked like a high school sweetheart in the bright sunlight. He was about to head back to his trailer after school when F.P. insisted he'd pick up Nellie after work. The Serpent leader hadn't had much to add to his demand, other than that he wanted Nellie to be safe.

The entire ride, Sweet Pea had wondered what that meant. He could only conclude that F.P. and Nellie had talked again yesterday. Perhaps that conversation was why Nellie was so out of sorts during the day. Anger washed over him as he thought about F.P. replacing him. He hadn't even had the time to riot against his initial thoughts as he arrived at the Five Seasons, picking out a shadowed spot to watch the entrance. He was too early, but in a few minutes she would appear on the side of the building. Surprise crossed his features when his occupation of thought ran down the marble staircase into the street. 

His sudden anger disappeared as soon as he noticed Nellie's panic. He ran towards her, catching her in his arms as she crashed into him. She was shaking uncontrollably and completely out of breath. Her face was paling as he looked at her. He wanted her to speak, say anything that would wash his worries away. But the words that stumbled over her lips did anything but.

"I stabbed someone."

𝓛𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓑𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum