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*warning: strong language*

Pain changes people. It makes them trust less, overthink and shut people out.

+ + + +

As the two Serpents walked through the halls of Riverdale High, a buzzing sound vibrated from Toni's back pocket.

"Is it your red haired devil?" Sweet Pea smirked. He still couldn't believe how he'd missed Toni's attraction to Cheryl Blossom but somehow it perfectly made sense. From what he knew of Riverdale's River Vixen, she was fiery and passionate, somewhat delusional he'd admit but that was a trait Toni would compliment by her own rational thinking. 

The pink haired Serpent stuck out her tongue in mocking before her eyes glued to the illuminated screen. Instead of a flirtatious smile, her brows drew together in a confused frown. Sweet Pea immediately recognised her look. Something was wrong.

Before she could even explain, he snatched her phone from between her slender fingers. The screen revealed the Register's homepage, a new item featured. It consisted of behind the scenes footage of Riverdale High's musical from merely a week ago. His jaw set as it was clear that it was Fangs in Midge Klump's dressing room before the show was about to start.  

"We need to find him," Sweet Pea hissed, stalking away from Toni without looking back after he pushed her phone back into her hands. Somehow Fangs Fogarty always managed to get himself in trouble when he didn't confide in Sweet Pea. To learn about his affair with Midge through the Register was another sting of betrayal Sweet Pea could miss dearly. However, it irked him he didn't know. Just like he didn't know about Toni and Cheryl. Since Nellie had appeared in his life, he had unknowingly pushed the other Serpents aside.

He turned around another corner when he saw Sheriff Minetta striding into the hallway. Fangs, leaning against his locker, was frozen in place. His eyes grew the size of platters. Sweet Pea had to push himself between the muscled bodies of Bulldogs blocking the hallway. He angrily swatted away their grabbing fist and scratching nails on his arms. 

"Fangs!" Sweet Pea called out to which the Serpent gratefully looked up to him. They had been like brothers for as long as they knew each other. They'd joined the Serpents together, they had been through everything as a team. Relief washed over him, as Fangs turned to run towards Sweet Pea knowing that if the tall Serpent was near him, everything would turn out alright. 

Sheriff Minetta had other plans, however, and managed to catch up with the gang member and force him on the ground. Sweet Pea could hear Fangs' muffled grunts. "I didn't do anything," he kept on denying but the weight of the Sheriff was too much to keep on repeating his innocence. 

As the two continued to struggle, Fangs' switchblade managed to get out of the pocket of his jeans vest and slid across the floor. The Sheriff's eyes were glued onto the object. His eyes flinched as his hands grabbed a bit harder onto the Serpent. Without any help of the other policemen, Minetta cuffed Fangs.

Sweet Pea tried pushing himself through the barricade of Bulldogs, feeling the control over the situation slip between his fingers. Another thing he failed to do. Strong arms wrapped around his torso, holding onto him until the police and Fangs had left. Finally taking time to focus on whoever was obstructing him, he pushed Archie Andrews roughly away from him. 

"Fuck off, Andrews," he gritted between his teeth, finally pushing through the gathered crowd and heading straight towards his motorcycle. 

+ + + + 

"Any news of his arrest?" Toni asked the moment Sweet Pea got seated on the bar stoole in the Whyte Wyrm. 

Sweet Pea shook his head in defeat. His eyes were heavy with weariness, but today's events were another reason he'd not fall asleep tonight. 

"Whoever leaked that video to the Register, is going to suffer." Sweet Pea hissed, his dark eyes immediately searching for the musical's documentary filmmaker. 

"Jones isn't here," Toni said, downing her drink with a last sip. "He is already headed to the debate. Probably wants first row seats with Betty," she shrugged. 

Sweet Pea pinched the bridge of his nose. As if today hadn't been hard enough, he still had to go to the debate. Another one of his unsolved problems waited for him there. 

Nellie Hearst. Or Lodge or whatever she'd call herself next. 

"We should go too," Toni offered. Her look was filled with sympathy. The tall Serpent let his head hang down for a moment. His dark tousled hair hung over his forehead in defeat. He momentarily didn't have the strength to push it away. 

Instead Toni delicately brushed her finger against his forehead. "Whatever happened between you and Nellie, I'm certain you two can work things out. Whatever happened, she never meant to hurt you." 

Sweet Pea shrugged. "How would you know? For all we know, she could've used me."

Toni let out a chuckle. "You would've gladly let her," the girl completely misread the situation but Sweet Pea was too uncomfortable to explain the entire situation. He didn't even want to share Nellie's true identity. It should gross him out, but he couldn't help imagining her at night, her arms around his torso, her whispers begging him for more. He couldn't imagine she was Hiram's daughter. And worse that he was so completely infatuated with her nonetheless. 

"Come one, Sweets, you two are crazy about each other. That much was clear long before she did the Serpent dance. Don't worry about it, even more, now that she's a part of our family, you can be even closer to her."

"I don't know how much closer I can handle," he admitted. He knew that he was being petty but the last days had been tumultuous on his heart and feelings. The feeling of betrayal was still fresh and for some reason he couldn't help but blame her for his ignorance towards Serpent matters like Toni's blossoming relationship with Cheryl, Fangs' secret affair with Midge Klump or Fangs' arrest. 

"Just be a supportive boyfriend and join me to the debate now," Toni added, playfully tugging on his arm until the much taller Serpent admitted with a groan and stood up from his seat. "But I am not her boyfriend," he added only to receive one of Toni Topaz's infamous eye rolls.

Once outside, another low blow was received when a burning dumpster illuminated the damage done to their motorcycles. Slashed tires with gaping holes caused Sweet Pea to lose his temper and kick another bin to the ground. Its contents were ignored as he strode towards his bike to address the damage done. 

It were either the Ghoulies breathing in their back or the Bulldogs demanding justice for Midge Klump. Either way, he could miss every set back in his life. 

"Can a supportive boyfriend still show up late?" he gritted between his teeth. His hands motioned to the slashed tires of his Harley Davidson. He was trembling with anger and frustration radiated of him in violent waves.

"So you do identify yourself as Nellie's boyfriend?" Toni mocked to which she only received an angry finger.

"Fuck off, Topaz." was met with a chuckle and an eye roll on the addressed party. 


Looking for someone to do some graphics for this story. I'm thinking about a new cover and headers for each chapter. Message me or comment below if interested!

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