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Somewhere on the dreary cemetery of Riverdale, Nellie Hearst found herself confronted by the Serpent Prince. Jughead Jones would be ruthless to protect his precious Southside. With her back against the wall, what could Nellie do to prevent the life she'd built so carefully the last couple of weeks, falling apart around her?

She'd always thought it would have been Hiram Lodge to give her the choice, but turns out, it would be Jughead Jones.

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"Who the hell are you, Nellie Hearst?" Jughead hissed, pushing himself of the tree-trunk he was leaning against. His footsteps sounded dull on the wet soil.

Nellie shook her head in defeat. The hurt of her father's words was still so fresh, the memory of her mother ruined by the man's words. Now, Jughead was confronting her. She wasn't strong enough to keep up her act.

"Didn't you hear?" she muttered, shamefully looking at the mud from the damp ground on her black heels. It would take a bit of work to get it off.

Jughead stalked forward, hooded eyes locked on Nellie. He observed her slumped figure. Though it was obvious she had tried to look her best for the funeral, he couldn't deny her pale skin but flushed cheeks. Her mascara was smudged in dark circles underneath her eyes. His eyes lingered on the white envelope clenched between her trembling fingers.

"You work for Lodge, isn't it?" he asked, sticking his chin in the direction of the envelope. His hawklike eyes immediately searched for a reaction.

Nellie let out a disbelieving breath. "Don't tell me you've been eavesdropping the entire time to come to that conclusion?" she said, a hint of a smile tugging at her pale lips. "From everything that you heard, that's what you make of it?"

"Then tell me." Jughead interfered, not pleased by the way Nellie rolled her eyes. The moment of raw emotions was clearly over. A chance he had to finally get the truth out of the mysterious girl. He should've used her weakness sooner. Now she had the time to compose herself, string new lies onto her web.

"Tell me the truth, Nellie." he insisted, coming closer. He was now standing inches away from her, expecting her to be intimidated. Instead, Nellie rose her eyes to him, an unexpected militancy shimmering in those tear rimmed dark pools.

"Hiram Lodge is my father. I am the result of one of his poor affairs. He refused to help me when I first asked for his help. Now, for some reason, he suddenly wants me out of Riverdale." She spoke without hesitance.

Jughead frowned. "What's with the money?"

"Money to leave." Nellie replied, flicking the envelope in her wrist. She hadn't even had the chance to count the amount inside. Now, it felt rather heavy in her hands.

"And... are you leaving Riverdale?" Jughead asked, his eyes turning to doubtful slits. It sure would solve a lot of his problems if Nellie just disappeared. A worry less, so to say.

Nellie let out a huff. "Not yet. I first have some business with my father, remember?"

"You expect we still trust you?" Jughead blurted out. It was clear he didn't trust the girl in front of him one bit.

"I've been completely honest with you for the first time. You should trust me," Nellie said, wiping her damp cheeks dry with the sleeve of her dress. She couldn't believe she had to prove herself to Jughead Jones but right now, he was the only one who knew about her secret, except for F.P. who had known about it all along. She needed him to keep it to himself.

Jughead shook his head, turning it away from Nellie. He didn't trust her one bit. Everyone connected to Hiram Lodge was to be treated cautiously. He had just witnessed Nellie accepting Hiram's offer. What if the man paid her to spy on the Serpents? It would explain her sudden interest in bringing him down and her attraction to Sweet Pea.

He shut his eyes at the thought of the tall Serpent. He had known Sweet Pea for quite some time now. If it turned out Nellie had been using him for information, the boy would be devastated. Chances were he would go back to vandalism and violence, just like when his parents passed away. Now, Jughead wasn't best friends with the Serpent, but the guy didn't deserve to be hurt this way.

"How do I know you're not just a pawn of your daddy dearest?" Jughead shot back, pale blue eyes filled with distrust.

"I thought you heard what he said." Nellie turned away from Jughead. The Serpent Prince clearly wasn't convinced about her desire to bring down her own father. She had to fight a defeated smile. Which sane daughter would want to do so anyway?

"He doesn't want me as his daughter." she confessed. The words were heavy on her lips although Nellie had known for so long. The moment Hiram Lodge had left her, she knew he didn't care for her. A small part of her had hoped he did, however. That he had an excuse why he had stopped coming, stopped caring. Well, it was clear now that excuse was his terrible personality.

"How do we know for sure you're not picking his side? How do we know you won't turn your back on us the moment he gives you attention or money?" Jughead snapped. It became clear he hadn't expected this turn of events.

"I don't know, maybe trust me for a change?" Nellie said irritated.

"That's a luxury the Southside can't afford right now," Jughead bit back. "The solution is simple actually," he said, tapping his chin with one finger in thought.

"You can't betray us if you're one of us."

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