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"If it doesn't burn a little then what's the point of playing with fire?"

- Bridgett Devoue

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The rush of the fight was still lingering in Sweet Pea's veins. His blood was pumping even as he got on his motorcycle. His muscles itched with adrenaline, leftovers of a fight that never took place.

Just when Sweet Pea needed the release of all this tension that was building inside of him, he didn't have the chance to as much as glare the two imposters in the Cooper house down as they fled as soon as he and his gang revealed their knifes.

He ran his hand through his hair, letting out a restrained sigh. The sounds of boots crunching the fallen leaves, made him turn his head back into the direction of the house.

Jughead approached him, his eyes glued to the Serpent stitched on the back of Sweet Pea's jacket.

"What?" Sweet Pea snapped, straightening his back as he sat down.

Jughead shrugged "Just wanted to thank you for showing up."

Sweet Pea quickly ran his tongue across his teeth. "No Serpent stands alone," he muttered, playing with the chinstrap of his helmet.

Jughead observed him with squinted eyes. It was clear he wanted to say something, the words were practically lining up in his mouth. Sweet Pea wouldn't give him the satisfaction of asking. If the Serpent Prince had something to say, he'd need to build up the courage to do so.

"It's nice to know I have backup," Jughead started, turning his head away from the towering figure of Sweet Pea. The latter only huffed in response. "Without the Serpents I wouldn't have scared them away," Jughead confessed.

"You're a Serpent, whether I like it or not," Sweet Pea muttered. He shove the helmet over his dark hair, deciding to end the conversation.

"You know, Nellie should become one too," Jughead let out. The remark made Sweet Pea suck in a breath.

"No way," he immediately answered. Jughead's surprise was obviously displayed on his features. He rose his eyebrows and leaned back, as if Sweet Pea's remark physically pushed him over.

"And why not?" he asked. "Nellie could use our protection."

But Sweet Pea was done listening. "She has mine," he growled "That's more than enough." At his last statement, he reared the engine, driving away from the decent streets of the Northside without looking back. Soon the pristine white houses made place for a thick pine wood forest that lined the road.

He didn't care about Jughead, he thought as he drove towards Andrews Construction. The boy only had stupid idea, pretending he was smart.

Nellie, a Serpent? Jughead should've been shot just for the suggestion. No matter how tempting the thought of her initiation, the risks were too big. He was perfectly capable of protecting her without her being a part of the gang. Nothing good would happen to her. She was kind and sweet and more importantly, a girl. The other girls barely had a choice when they joined the Southside Serpents. Life in the gang was tough on them. They were used for information and minor cases. Nevertheless, she was in much more danger when she'd join them than were she to stay out of their business.

Nellie had a chance to leave the Southside behind her. Sweet Pea knew that. Even when he didn't want to admit that the day she'd leave, he would be pissed as hell. He knew that she deserved more than to live in a tiny trailer, on the outskirts of a town where she'd be despised for where she lived.

When he rounded the corner and skidded to a halt on the gravel grounds of Andrews Construction, all his thoughts numbed. Nellie stepped towards him, the pebbles underneath her feet crunching as she goes. Her sweater was too large, he noticed. The sleeves covered her palms, hiding her fidgeting fingers as she came closer. Her black jeans clung to her long legs as they carried her towards him.

Too soon was she standing in front of him, big brown eyes gazing up at his face. He had no idea when he had pushed back the lens, too mesmerized by her presence. He hadn't foreseen how the mere image of her could numb him. He hadn't seen her after he saw the heated conversation between her and Jughead. A thing that still bothered him. But as she looked up to him, expecting him to say something, he couldn't bring himself to remember asking about it. He only needed one thing.

Before she could open her mouth, his hands cupped her face, pressing her lips against his.

He felt her gasp for air, but her fingers wound around the lapels of his leather jacket pulling Sweet Pea down before she kissed him back. His fingers lingered in her short hair, their tips skimming the soft skin of her neck as he deepened the kiss. He could smell the cheap shower gel as she pressed herself closer to him, her knees bumping against the cold surface of his Harley Davidson. Her tongue darted alongside his, sending sparks fly through his nerves.

The adrenaline of a fight was nothing compared to the rushes Nellie ignited with her touch.

When they stopped, the thought of Nellie wearing a Serpent jacket didn't seem so threatening. It meant she would stay.

"Hey," Nellie whispered, her voice silent and cheeks blushing.

Sweet Pea's eyes glanced at her pink, swollen lips. Knowing he had the same effect on her as she had on him, he allowed a proud smirk to settle on his face. He shove his helmet off, gently placing it on top Nellie's head. Carefully, he tucked stray strands of black hair from her forehead.

"Pop's? My treat," Sweet Pea grinned. Nellie nodded, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. A pure feeling of bliss settled on Sweet Pea once he felt her arms wrap around his waist.

For a single, selfish moment, he wished she'd never leave Riverdale.

Little did he know, the future had other plans for Nellie Hearst.

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