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*warning strong language and smut*

When everything else fails, love should feel secure but wild. 

- adaptation on a quote of r.h. sin

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Nellie nervously followed Sweet Pea up the stairs of their trailer. Unspoken things were hanging between them. Unspoken feelings, confrontations yet to happen. It was unmistakeable, like heading straight into a thunderstorm.

As the door locked behind her, Nellie waited. She didn't dare to look at Sweet Pea, afraid that she might be disappointed in his reaction. Sure, he looked at her like he wanted to ravish her, but he also ignored her for most of the day. 

Instead, Sweet Pea walked around her, careful not come too close to her. He snatched two glasses from the cabinets and filled them with the whiskey standing on the counter. He wordlessly held out a glass to her. The shadows across his face wavered as the wind outside rustled the trees standing in front of the street lantern outside the trailer. 

"This is fucked up." Sweet Pea declared as if it were a toast before downing the drink. As he reached for a refill, Nellie herself took a sip off the amber liquid. The alcohol burned her throat, warming every frozen limb in her body. The tension immediately eased from her muscles. She hadn't even noticed how cramped they'd been.

The image of a dark silhouette against bright light momentarily flashed before her eyes. With a slight tremble, Nellie placed the glass back onto the small table. It only took her two steps to reach it. 

How Sweet Pea and his brother had managed to inhabit the small space as two grown men, remained a mystery to her. Even now, it was hard not to sense Sweet Pea's temper waver around him, indecisive on how to feel. 

Nellie leaned against the table, trying to regain her balance. She quickly  glanced at the tall Serpent. His brooding eyes were focused on a point somewhere on the wall. The glass dangled in the air between his fingers and his lips. Her own mouth ached for their touch. 

But not even their physical affection could overcome the heavy silence in the room. Whereas moments ago, Nellie entertained the thought of dragging him straight to the bed, she wondered if perhaps she should seek the comfort of the small bedroom in the corner of the trailer after all. 

Finally making a decision, Sweet Pea pushed himself off the counter. A hand quickly ran over his tired face, just as Nellie was about to head for her former bedroom. They both remained frozen in the cramped kitchen area of the trailer. 

"Nellie," the way he said her name made her hesitate. A finger absentmindedly reached for the edge of the counter as she tried to focus on something else then the goosebumps Sweet Pea caused on her arms by merely saying her name. 

Slowed down by her hesitation, she looked up. Once more did the intensity of his gaze blow all the air out of her lungs. Sweet Pea was such a raging mess of emotions, it was hard to pinpoint exactly what he was feeling. She could practically see the fight within him pass through his eyes.

"God, Nellie," Sweet Pea whispered, his tall form slightly slumping as he finally crossed the distance between them as if his last resistance was crumpling where he stood. He wrapped his arms around her, pressed her against his chest just like he had when he'd pulled her away from the Black Hood's aim. The memory was painfully fresh. 

Nellie could feel his heart pounding in his chest. She couldn't help herself but wrap her own arms around his torso, glad for his support. The scent of pine needles and cigarettes wrapped around her, making her dizzy by its proximity. 

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