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These are godless times, Mrs. Snell.

- Carrie (2013)

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Holding tight onto the edge of Toni's borrowed dress, Nellie clung with one arm onto Sweet Pea as they drove his motorcycle to town. The wind swept across Nellie's bare legs, sending shivers down her spine. She wasn't particularly excited to watch Riverdale High's musical. If it weren't for Fangs, she wouldn't go altogether. 

Sweet Pea and Toni clearly wanted to support their friend, but Nellie couldn't get rid of the fear that perhaps she'd might encounter Hiram Lodge for the second time in a day. Thinking of him, made her clench her fist once more. She had enough of the man dominating her life. 

Soon, the bright lights of Riverdale High illuminated the dark sky. Drawn to the light, the two motorcycles went for the front and skidded to a halt. 

Without hesitation the three riders descended. Nellie took a deep breath, preparing herself for the confrontation that might await her once inside. Her half-sister would be there. So it was very probable that both Hermione and Hiram Lodge were looming somewhere inside the building as well. 

Sensing her unease, Sweet Pea casually threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled Nellie closer. "You okay?" he murmured against her short, black hair. Nellie only nodded and shot him a smile. The weight of his presence was enough to dull her racing heart. Instead, she could hear her footsteps echoing with purpose as she strode forward, two Serpents framing her.

Once inside, she could feel stares burning in their direction, curiosity and prejudice following where they went, but Nellie didn't mind. The leather clad figure next to her, was enough to keep her steady and focused. Not throwing anyone another look, the three left for the auditorium where the lights were still burning bright.

A young girl showed them to vacant seats, on one of the last rows. "Toni, do you need a cushion?" Sweet Pea joked, throwing the small girl a meaningful look. The Serpent showed him the finger before she sat down, shoving one of her legs beneath her. 

Nellie scanned the rows in front of them, looking for a mop a nearly black hair and a tailored suit to jump into the eye. Her leg was nervously jumping. Sweet Pea's large hand stilled her, his long fingers gently pressing into her bare skin. 

"Nels," he whispered, slightly squeezing the skin between his fingers. A sudden burning feeling pulled her stare towards the couple walking to the front row. Hermione and Hiram Lodge looked impeccable in matching outfits. Throat suddenly dry, Nellie froze watching her worst enemy and his wife take their seat and sharing pleasantries with those around them. 

Before she could even get up to leave the room, the lights dimmed and the show was about to start. No matter the songs and acts up front, Nellie kept glancing back at the back of Hiram's head. If only her glare had the possibility to burn his skin, she thought, intensifying the hatred in her glare. She even missed a part of Fangs' performance but still had the wits to applaud when his part was finished. 

When Veronica came on stage, Nellie forced her stare to land on anything but the girl at the front. As if on cue, she remembered the confirmation. Instead of the slow ballad, her half-sister was dancing around the stage, flirting and singing, living her best life. 

For the first time in her life, Nellie allowed herself to imagine what it would've been like if she had actually known Veronica Lodge. If perhaps they would be friends or not. She imagined herself in the grand lobby of the Pembrooke. Smiling with mirth, Nellie shook her head. She wouldn't fit in the perfect life of the Lodge's. Not after everything she'd been through. 

Sensing her restlessness grow, Sweet Pea moved his hand to grab hers. Without moving his eyes away from the stage, he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of her hand slowly. Toni nudged Nellie with a wicked grin to which the Lodge bastard could only blush in response. 

Suddenly the lights dimmed. A single spot illuminated the older woman slowly walking towards the center of the stage. Betty's mom, as Toni informed Nellie, reached for the audience, singing and acting, clutching her night-robe tight. The curtains rose to reveal the scene behind Alice Cooper. 

Nellie squeezed Sweet Pea's hand in disbelief at the sight in front of them. Pinned to the set was the lifeless body of a young girl. In blood, something was written on the carton set-pieces. From the gaping wounds, blood was slowly dripping onto the stage floor. An ear piercing scream escaped Alice Cooper as she sank to her knees and chaos erupted in the room. People were pushing and pulling, trying to get out of the auditorium as fast as they could. Three words were repeated over and over, in feverish whispers. 

"The Black Hood."

Nellie was yanked to her feet by Sweet Pea. On instinct, she reached for Toni Topaz's hand and pulled the girl along with them. Sweet Pea pushed himself through the panicked crowd. People were screaming, some had fainted but overall, people desperately wanted to get out. 

Panic rose higher at the thought that the girl's killer might still be inside the building. Blue and red lights reflected from the windows as the police arrived. Students and parents alike were sobbing, from fear or loss, Nellie couldn't tell. 

The urge to run was pushing her forward. The fear of looming danger, the feeling that someone was watching their every move, urged her to move. A few police officers pushed themselves through the panicked crowd, trying to reach the auditorium against the stream. Others took the lead, guiding the audience safely away. Nellie's sight rested on the weapons clutched in their hands, confronted by another hard reality. 

She'd read about the Black Hood. Just like she'd read about so many killers and psychopaths running through the streets of New York. She had never encountered any of them whilst living there and for some wicked reason she'd merely assumed her life would continue that way. She hadn't put much thought to the whole thing when she had been so busy with her own mess. But there was no denying it any longer. A murderer was on the loose in Riverdale and Nellie couldn't just ignore him.

When a gush of fresh air hit her in the face, relief flooded over her. She inhaled deeply, the smell of pine trees being swept up with the breeze. The people outside were rushing to their cars, all hoping to reach the safety of their homes soon. 

Toni stopped abruptly, pulling her hand away from Nellie's. Sweet Pea and Nellie turned around to meet her, their fingers still intertwined. "I need to find Cheryl," Toni muttered. The petite girl looked terrified yet she started to move away from the others. Sweet Pea lunged forward, grabbing her by the arm. 

"There's nothing you can do, Toni. She's safe with the others. If you go in, you'll only worry yourself."

"But what if the Black Hood is still inside?" Toni yelled. 

A burst of bright copper flung her arms around Toni's figure from behind. Sobbing and panicking, Cheryl Blossom held tight onto her friend. "They killed Midge," she muttered over and over again. Nellie and Sweet Pea awkwardly watched as the two hugged each other. Toni grabbed the back of Cheryl's head, whispering words Nellie couldn't hear. 

"I'm going to bring Nellie home," Sweet Pea excused himself. It was clear he had no idea about Toni's friendship with Cheryl but he noticed the both of them needed reassurance from each other. Giving the two their privacy, he grabbed Nellie's hand and pulled her along to his motorcycle. 

"Let's get the hell out of here."

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